  • 學位論文


The Development of a Class for Mentally Retarded Students-An Action Research in a Self-contained Class for Mentally Retarded Students after Adjusting the Quota of Teachers

指導教授 : 盧台華


本研究以宜蘭縣一所試行員額調整的國中啟智班為行動場域,目的在探討啟智班實施員額調整方案之後,對於啟智班經營所造成的影響,研究者藉著行動研究實際參與員額調整方案的運作,並與場域伙伴協力合作,期望為啟智班目前經營的困境尋求出路。 湯圍國中啟智班自九十學年度開始試行員額調整方案,學校設有啟智班一班,服務學生有五名,分別是輕度智能障礙學生三名、中度智能障礙學生一名及極重度多重障礙學生一名,原編制內的三位老師,在實施員額調整方案之後,自足式啟智班內只剩下一位專任特教老師,並增設教師助理員一名,原編制內的二位回到普通班編制之中,但其中一名仍兼任特教組長,並被要求在校內試辦資源服務方案。研究者的加入使得場域中多了一位部份時間到校的專業人力,和原實施方案預期員額有所不同。 研究探究的方向有三,第一個方向是描述實施員額調整方案之後,啟智班經營模式改變的歷程。員額減少,使得場域老師在方案運作初期所採取的行動是以減少授課節數及工作壓力為主要考量,例如:把學生部份課程安排到普通班中,但隨著學生所反應出的學習狀況、普通班老師的意見、教授的建議及教師自我的反省,在場域中逐漸形成共同對話的機制,並以團體的形式進行自我成長的活動。 第二個方向是探究啟智班經營模式改變所產生的影響。為因應員額調整方案所採取的行動,使得啟智班的經營模式亦有所改變,包括將各類分離的特教服務方案統整為校內的學習服務資源、特教組積極與校內外行政單位進行互動,以及老師改變課程準備的模式及方向。另外,班級經營模式的改變也使得特教老師對於自我專業角色的認定產生變化,由一個老師負責所有學生教育方案的服務模式,使老師角色從單純的教學工作轉變為學習者、個案管理者及自我理想的實踐者。 最後探究的是員額調整方案運作中,研究者介入方案角色存在的價值,以及從行動歷程中提出對於執行行動研究的反省及未來續辦員額調整方案的建議。


This research was conducted at a junior high level self-contained class for mentally retarded students in I-Lan County. The class became an experimental target for adjusting the quota of teachers. The purpose of this research was to investigate the influences the program result in and difficulties the class encountered after the implementation of quota adjustment. Through the action research of participating in the policy-making process of quota adjustment, the researcher aims to find solutions for the obstacles. In the school year of 2001, the Special Education Department of I-Lan County chose one junior high school as well as one elementary school to join the trial program and there are self-contained classes for the mentally retarded in both schools. Tang-Wei Junior High School is one of them which has one mentally-retarded class. There are five mentally-retarded students, including three mild ones, one moderately, and one profoundly disabled at present. Before the adjustment, one class was allocated with three full-time teachers. With the implementation of the program, the special class now has only one full-time special-education teacher and one teaching assistant. One of other two teachers assigned as section chief of special education to take charge of a special-needs service programs in the school. The other one went back to teach the regular class students. There were three major issues in this research. First, under the program of teacher quota adjustment, the changing of managing a special class for the mentally retarded was described. In the beginning of the program, the purpose of teacher was to reduce the course burden which is increased after the implementation of quota adjustment. The teachers arranged mentally retarded students to regular classes in some courses. The research and co-researchers became a team gradually because of the learning slowness of the students in regular classroom, the opinions of teachers from general classes, the suggestions of professors, and our own reflection. In this team, every member shared different ideas about special education, discussed the strategies for overcoming the difficulties, and participated in the teachers' discussion and grown-up groups. Second, the effects brought by the changes were discussed, including the actions taken by integrating all school resources into one learning center for all students with special needs and the changing of teachers’ attitudes in identifying with their own professional roles in the process. Last but not least, the value of the role that researcher played in this field was evaluated. The reflection for action research and the suggestions for adjusting the quota of teachers was also given in this study.


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