  • 學位論文


Observing Labels in Daily Life~Life Stories on Two Twice-Exceptional Students

指導教授 : 陳美芳


本研究採用質性研究方法,透過二位兼具資優與隱性障礙的雙重特殊學生為研究對象﹙具資優與亞斯伯格症的國三學生,與具有美術才能的學障高三學生﹚,構築雙重特殊學生的成長故事,並梳理他人對雙重特殊學生的看法及雙重特殊學生對自己的看法,呈現人我眼中雙重特殊學生的形象,希望能對兼具障礙與資優能力的個體,有較深刻的理解與認識。 由成長故事發現,具有隱性障礙的雙重特殊學生,在家庭生活上,都曾在家長對個體狀況不明的情況下,採取偏於土法煉鋼的管教方式,造成親子關係的緊張,但若雙重特殊學生的優勢獲得發揮,也許能夠逐步修補過去的裂痕。在學校生活方面,二位雙重特殊學生均曾認為有段時間老師可能看不起他們,但若得到老師的接納,不啻是發展優勢的一大利器。而在同儕方面,二位個案發展情況並不相同,然若遇到同儕可能覺知他們所背負的障礙標籤時,都會擔心障礙被揭露。至於對自己的看法方面,研究中的二位雙重特殊學生對自身已逐漸發展出肯定、接納自己懸殊的二種能力,並以優勢為未來發展的方向。 日常生活裡,雙重特殊學生的資優與障礙標籤,因環境、角色因素,產生分歧不一的現象。當雙重特殊學生的障礙類型為隱性障礙時,也使人們易忽略雙重特殊學生可能的特殊需求。另一方面,當雙重特殊學生實際表現無法符合一般人對資優的期待時,面對資優標籤的出現,易使旁人產生疑惑、驚訝。只有當雙重特殊學生能夠接納自己的二種能力,並得到他人的肯定時,自我發展才出現明顯的變化,旁人也才能夠比較理解這樣的孩子。


The purpose of this qualitative research was to construct the on-going life stories of two twice-exceptional adolescent students (one gifted junior high school student with the Asperger syndrome and the other art-talented senior high school with LD.). By interviewing two students and their significant others, I tried to unfold the image of the two twice-exceptional students and explore the impact of special educational labels in the daily life. There were some findings from the life study of the twice-exceptional students with hidden disability. In their family, parents had treated them with cruelty until they understood about their children’s special needs. In school, they even felt some teachers looking down upon them, but once they were accepted, they would develop their own advantages. In peer relationships, they would worry if their peers noticed their disabilities. As for themselves, gradually they had built up confidence of their speciality and found their own way of the future life. The impact of the gifted and disabled labels was closely related to environmental and personal factors. People tended to overlook the special needs of gifted students with hidden disability. In another hand, when the performance could not fit to the expectations of the gifted side, people would be confused and amazed. Only when the students were accepted as twice-exceptional students, they would make significant process on self development and therefore fully understanding from others might appear.


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