  • 學位論文


Teenagers' traumas and the CAR trauma counseling methodology: Critical action research

指導教授 : 溫明麗


本研究立於三項前提上:一、個體意識支配著存在;二、創傷、人格發展及行為與心靈能量有關;三、成長的創傷引發行為問題。並以文獻分析及行動研究達到三個目的:一、探索人類創傷的根源;二、探討創傷和人格及行為類型之關係;三、建構融合批判性思考、藝術治療及理情行為治療三合一創傷輔導策略。 本研究結果發現,人類創傷根源在於權力與愛的受創。人格未定型前受創,人格的發展較朝向極端現象,行為亦較偏頗,攻擊性較向內,而人格成熟後受創,則依人格特質有不同的行為模式,攻擊性較外放;其次,童年時期對親情的感受是決定長大後和家人的關係;再次,個體的心靈需求未達圓滿性,即在現實中無法達到心靈滿足時,會以極端的行為來彌補內在的不平衡感,包括性別的認同、情境的掌控等;復次,成長中人格受到壓抑、疏忽或羞辱的創傷,易形成封閉性的人格特質,或在另一方面極力的外放,彌補藏於心中的陰影。 總之,個體的心靈能量系統是符合能量不滅的,一旦權力被壓縮時,言行會朝向補足的方向,而CAR三合一創傷輔導策略,則針對此權力創傷及愛創傷之個案建構。 從本研究中,中學生往往呈現出親子關係的問題是因著權力的失衡和對愛的需求所有不足,故親子關係中的輔導往往是需讓親子間重新審視彼此互動中所發生的權力和愛的問題,這是中學生輔導的關鍵處。然而,CAR三合一創傷輔導策略在本行動研究中,是以藝術治療使個案及關係人心中的陰暗面浮現出、體會自我控制及情感外放、開展潛能;並以具批判性思考精神的理情行為治療建構個案及關係人之合理性認知,達到身心統整及自我輔導、建構自我價值觀;至於輔導者更應藉著批判性思考,達到善用輔導策略、開創輔導者心智、增加自我省思的能力。 關鍵字:中學生創傷、批判性思考、藝術治療、理情行為治療、CAR三合一創傷輔導策略。


The three main focuses upon this research are: 1.The existence and distribution of one’s individual consciousness; 2.The relationship between trauma, personality development, behavior, and psychic energy; and 3.The effect and problem of trauma upon personal development. In hope from this research, these three goals will be achieved: 1.The investigation into the origin of human trauma; 2.The investigation of the relationship between traumas, personality, and behavior; 3.The establishment of trauma-counseling methodologies through a combination of critical thinking, art therapy, and relational-emotion behaviors therapy. I from the result of this research, it has show that the origin of human trauma evolves upon from the damages of love and power. If a person was traumatized before the full development of his/her personality, his/her development of personality may evolve into extreme conditions with extreme behaviors and introvert attacks. However, if he/she was traumatized after the development of personality, he/she will have different behaviors characteristics in accordance to his/her personality and have extrovert attacks. Secondly, childhood relationship with relatives will decide how an individual will react or relate to his/her family members as an adult later on. In addition, if the psychic demands of the individual were not fulfilled, even in reality, he/she may use extreme behaviors to make up the internal imbalance, including equality between sexes, control in emotion and more. Furthermore, if during the personality developed introverted characteristics or change oneself into an extrovert in hope to resolve the shadows within. Therefore, as a whole, the balance within an individual’s psychic energy cannot be tilted. Once one’s power has been threatened, his/her speech or behaviors will till toward resolving this imbalance. Thus, the CAR three-in-one trauma counseling methodology is targeted toward the counseling of traumas from love and power. From this research, many teenagers have shown problems within the relationship with their parents have evolved from the imbalance between power and the need love. It is very important within teenagers’ counseling to re-evaluate the relationship with their parents through its problems from love and power. Thus, the CAR three-in-one trauma counseling methodology is the main method used within this research, using art healing to show the darkness within the individuals, understanding self-control, developing potentials, acknowledging and treating relationships through critical thinking. In addition, CAR is used to help reaching self-balance, self-counseling, and self-evaluation. As counselor, one should use critical thought to conduct and achieve useful counseling methodologies, open up the patients’ heart, and assist the patients to increase one’s self-evaluation abilities Key words:Teenagers’trauma, Critical thinking, Art therapy, Relational-emotion behaviors therapy, the CAR three-in-one damages counseling methodology.


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