  • 學位論文


A Study of the Development of Taiwanese Education in Postwar Taiwan(1945-2002)

指導教授 : 林玉体 博士


針對二次世界大戰以後台語教育的發展成因與歷史背景,是本研究的主要對象,以瞭解台語教育在台灣日漸多元化語言教育脈絡下的發展軌跡。 本研究將台灣的台語教育發展分成三期: 一、「台語教育之衰落期」﹝一九四五年至一九八六年﹞:在戰後初期,國民政府雖然一度採取「恢復台語、廢除日語」的語言教育政策,但是隨著「獨尊國語、壓制台語」語言教育政策實施四十餘年後,台語受到歧視與壓抑,失去教育、傳播、使用權,並退出學校,而僅成為社會或家庭用語。因此,此時期中,台語教育逐漸衰落,年輕一輩不再能流利的使用台語,台語文化也受到影響,不為人們所重視。 二、「台語教育之振興期」﹝一九八七年至一九九四年﹞:台語教育進入台灣解嚴時期後,呈現振興之象,對於「獨尊國語、壓制台語」的語言教育政策產生反動,對於要求母語教育的呼聲日益升高。而台語文學運動的興起亦為促進台語教育振興的因素之一,投入台語文學創作的作家們,不僅極力提倡台語,也致力於台語文字化的工作。此時期中,台語教育終於產生胎動,首度在學校實施教學,並促使了政府開始正視母語教育的重要性。 三、「台語教育之推行期」﹝一九九五年至二OO二年﹞:台語教育經過了衰落、振興二期後,此時期中,由於九年一貫課程將母語納入正式課程中,因此政府進一步制定台語教育相關政策,並開始從事師資培育工作,以及討論台語教學中的文字、音標問題,以利於台語教育之推行。 最後,本研究比較分析日治時期與國民政府時期對於台語教育政策及態度之差異,以反省台灣母語教育之意義,並進而提出目前台語教育所面臨的問題。期以歷史為鏡,令吾人有所警惕,以免重蹈過去語言教育政策的偏差所造成的遺憾,並捐棄成見尊重各族群的語言,攜手重建台灣特有文化。


The main purpose of this thesis is to inquire the historical causes and background of Taiwanese Education, and try to explore the problems in its development from 1945 to 2002. This thesis is a historical approach. Three steps are found in this five decades: ( I ) The declining period of Taiwanese Education (1945-1986): Although the KMT Government took the statement: “recovering Taiwanese and annulling Japanese” as the policy of language in the initial stage after the war, it exercised the policy of “practicing Chinese and inhibiting Taiwanese” inwardly for more than forty years. After exacting the policy, Taiwanese had become discriminated and depressed. Therefore, Taiwanese had lost the right to be educated, spread and used, and could only be limitedly used at home or in social life. In this period, Taiwanese Education had become declining, so the younger couldn’t speak Taiwanese fluently, and the people didn’t think of Taiwanese as the highly culture. ( II ) The developing period of Taiwanese Education (1987-1994) : Taiwanese Education has started to develop after ending of martial law. (1987) Due to reacting to the policy of “practicing Chinese and inhibiting Taiwanese ”, and along with arising of the Taiwanese Literature Movement, the people had asked to prosper the Mother Tongue Education. The writers who devoted themselves in creating Taiwanese literatures had not only promoted Taiwanese ,but dedicated in the work of Taiwanese characterizing. In this period, Taiwanese Education had been firstly taught in school, and the government had faced the importance of Mother Tongue Education . ( III ) The practicing period of Taiwanese Education (1995-2002): For responding to the nine-year-continuous courses, Some policies of Taiwanese Education have enacted. It made Mother Tongue Education began to mix into formal curriculum system. The government started to train teachers and discuss the issues of characters and phonetic systems in Taiwanese teachings for exercising Taiwanese Education. In the end, the thesis tried to compare and analyze the policy of Taiwanese Education and governing attitude between the period of the Japanese government and the KMT government. Besides, the thesis reflected the meaning of Taiwan Mother Tongue Education and the problems which Taiwanese Education faces nowadays.




