  • 學位論文


The Junior High School Language Arts Teachers' Knowledge and Attitudes toward The 1-9 Curriculum.

指導教授 : 單文經 游進年


我國為求在二十一世紀開端,提升人力資源,規劃自九十學年度國民小學一年級,九十一學年度國民中學一年級實施號稱跨世紀教育改革工程的九年一貫課程,而此新課程設計以七大學習領域培養學生具備十大基本能力。本研究以國民中學語文學習領域教師為研究對象,以瞭解其對九年一貫課程的認知情形與態度意向。 本研究以自編的「國民中學語文學習領域教師對實施九年一貫課程認知與態度之意見調查問卷」為研究工具,問卷調查為研究方法,藉以瞭解國民中學語文學習領域教師,對九年一貫課程及所列之語文學習領域內涵的認知及態度,並根據研究結果,提出具體建議,以作為主管教育行政機關、學校行政單位與國民中學語文學習領域教師執行課程政策之參考。其中,本研究問卷以不同學校變項(所在地區、班級數、所在行政轄區、開始試辦語文學習領域九年一貫課程之學年度)及不同個人背景變項(性別、年齡、最高學歷、教學年資、擔任職務、目前任教科目、具備語文學習領域教師證書種類、曾經研習九年一貫課程進修累計時數、曾經研習語文學習領域九年一貫課程進修累計時數、目前有無擔任學校課程發展委員會或領域課程小組職務)之國民中學語文學習領域教師為控制變項,考驗不同控制變項之語文學習領域教師對九年一貫課程認知與態度是否有顯著差異。 根據本研究結果顯示,國民中學語文學習領域教師對九年一貫課程認知情形已達中上程度,但對所任教之語文學習領域認知情形卻不若整體課程清晰;其對九年一貫課程及所列語文學習領域態度傾向正向支持,且願意配合新課程進行所需變動,並認為學校的資源整合運用足以配合新課程推動;不同學校變項及不同個人變項之國民中學語文學習領域教師對九年一貫課程及所列語文學習領域認知與態度有顯著差異。 據此,本研究具體建議教育行政機關改變九年一貫課程宣導方案、重新檢測九年一貫課程是否能達成減輕學生課業壓力之實施重點、重新調整學校規模至27-44班,以利新課程推行;國民中學行政單位加強語文學習領域教師對本領域實施內容認識度、校長課程領導能力的再增強、加強語文學習領域教師資訊運用能力;國民中學語文學習領域教師樂於擔任課程發展委員,以吸收與九年一貫課程有關之教育新知與增加責任心、建立校內國文和英語教師兩大自我成長團體持續運作、多加運用九年一貫課程本領域教學新知於教學現場及未來研究者持續追蹤國民中學語文學習領域教師對實施九年一貫課程後的認知與態度,以及做出語文學習領域教師與其他六大學習領域教師認知與態度差異性比較。


The purpose of the research was to investigate the junior high school language arts teachers' knowledge and attitudes toward the 1-9 Curriculum. The research was conducted using mainly questionnaire surveys. In the literature reviews section which constituted a theoretical background for this research, it discussed the 1-9 Curriculum, the content of language arts and the elements of language arts teachers' knowledge and attitudes toward the reform. A “Survey of Junior High School Language Arts Teachers' Knowledge and Attitude of 1-9 Curriculum and Language Arts” was administered to a sample of 819 teachers from 141 junior schools across Taiwan selected from the northern, central, southern, and eastern areas (including island areas). 682 questionnaires were returned, and return rate was 83.27%. The data were analyzed using SPSS 8.0 for Windows to perform descriptive statistics, t test, and One-way ANOVA . The research obtained the following conclusions: 1. The junior high school language arts teachers' knowledge toward 1-9 Curriculum was above the average, but their attitudes toward was not as good as the further. 2. The junior high schools language arts teachers had positive support to 1-9 Curriculum and language arts field. Besides, the language arts teachers also recognized that the resource of schools were enough to execute the new curriculum. 3. The different school and personal variables of language arts teachers had different rating to knowledge and attitude toward 1-9 Curriculum and language arts field. Based on the research findings, suggestions for future practice and research were made. 1. The education authority should change the advertisement of 1-9 Curriculum, review whether the new curriculum reduce the learning burden of students, and reduce the school size to 27-44 classes. 2. The schools should enhance the language arts teachers' knowledge of this field, promote the principle's capacity of curriculum leadership, and improve the language arts teachers' capacity of computers. 3. The Language arts teachers should be willing to be the member of curriculum development committee, admit the information of education, and build up the self-growth groups. 4. The future researchers should do follow-up study on the change of language arts teachers' knowledge and attitude toward 1-9 Curriculum, and the comparison of the language arts teachers' with other six fields of teachers' knowledge and attitude toward 1-9 Curriculum.


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