  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 葉國樑


本研究主要目的是以價值澄清法設計一套關於水資源教育的自編教材,進行實驗研究,比較價值澄清法與傳統講述教學法在水資源教育上的教學效果,希望能提供一套以價值澄清為導向的水資源環境教育教學模式,以做為未來九年一貫課程實施推動學校水資源教育的參考。本研究採不等組實驗組控制組研究設計,立意取樣位於水資源保護區內的台北縣雙溪中學國中部八十九學年度一年級全體學生為研究對象。為避免校內實驗組對照組教學效果交互影響,另外自桃園縣觀音國中隨機選取一個班級作為校外對照組。實驗組學生進行四次的水資源教育價值澄清教學活動,對照組與校外對照組則接受傳統講述法教學。教學介入前一週,三組學生均接受前測問卷作為評量實驗效果的基準;教學介入後於一週內進行後測,以評價教學的立即效果。重要結果歸納如下:一、研究對象之水資源保育知識來源,主要來自「電視」(71.7﹪),其次為「老師講授」(67.6﹪)。未參與水資源保育相關活動的研究對象佔大多數(60.6﹪);而在參與水資源保育相關活動的種類方面,以「戶外教學」為最多(24.3﹪)。二、實驗組前後測之水資源保育知識、態度、行為以及環境敏感度均達到顯著差異;對照組與校外對照組在前後測得分則未達顯著差異。三、實驗組在水資源保育知識、態度、行為以及環境敏感度的各項後測得分均分別高於對照組及校外對照組,並達到顯著差異。四、以學生上課的參與度、課堂氣氛及學生的反應情形來看,價值澄清教學法的教學效果較傳統講述教學法為佳;對於上課方式的喜好度,以實驗組學生持正向態度的比率較高,但在教室常規管理及教學進度控制上,又以傳統講述教學法來得好。五、價值澄清教學比較能夠激發出學生的思考空間與創造力,傳統講述教學法所帶給學生的刺激較少,而且使用價值澄清教學法對於學生來說,印象較傳統講述教學法來得深刻。根據本研究結果,可知價值澄清法對於水資源教育有相當的教學效果,建議學校老師可運用此教學方式於學生的水資源教育上,以強化學生對於水資源的保育。 The main purposes of this experimental study was to apply values clarification approach to make the teaching models of water resource education , and to explore the differences of the effects between values clarification approach and traditional approach. The non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design was used in this study. Two classes of the 7th grade students from Shuangchi Junior High School in Taipei county were selected as the sample and randomly assigned the experimental(n=34) and control group(n=34).(There were only two classes in Shuangchi Junior High School .)Meanwhile, one class of the 7th grade students from Kuyan-in Junior High School in Tauyan were selected as the out-of-school control group to detect the possible unexpected effects caused by the interaction between the students of the experimental and the in-school control group(n=31). There were ninety-nine students in this study. The main findings of this study were as follows:(1)The knowledge of water resource of the subjects mainly came from television(71.7﹪)and then schools’ teachers.(2)Most students didn’t participate in water resource-related activities(60.6﹪).As to the students taking part in water resource-related activities, there were about twenty-five(24.3﹪)percentage of subjects participated in outdoor teaching activities .(3)There were significant differences of knowledge, attitude, behavior and environmental sensitivity of water resource of the experimental between pretest and posttest. That is, values clarification approach could enhance knowledge, attitude, behavior and environmental sensitivity of water resource of the experimental. While, control group and out-of-school control group showed the opposite results. That is, traditional approach couldn’t enhance knowledge, attitude, behavior and environmental sensitivity of water resource of control group and out-of-school control group.(4)There were significant differences of knowledge, attitude, behavior and environmental sensitivity of water resource of posttest among the experimental, control group and out-of-school control group. And values clarification approach on enhancing knowledge, attitude, behavior and environmental sensitivity of water resource was better than traditional approach.(5)On the atmosphere of class, reflections of the students, values clarification approach was better than traditional approach. The teaching model of values clarification was favorable for students.(6)The teaching model of values clarification approach could promote thinking and creativity of students and impressed the subjects. While traditional approach didn’t. According to main results of this research, we explored that appling values clarification approach to water resource education was helpful to the subjects. The researcher suggested that schools’ teachers could use values clarification approach in water resource education in order to enhance environmental knowledge, attitude, behavior and sensitivity of students.


The main purposes of this experimental study was to apply values clarification approach to make the teaching models of water resource education , and to explore the differences of the effects between values clarification approach and traditional approach. The non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design was used in this study. Two classes of the 7th grade students from Shuangchi Junior High School in Taipei county were selected as the sample and randomly assigned the experimental(n=34) and control group(n=34).(There were only two classes in Shuangchi Junior High School .)Meanwhile, one class of the 7th grade students from Kuyan-in Junior High School in Tauyan were selected as the out- of-school control group to detect the possible unexpected effects caused by the interaction between the students of the experimental and the in-school control group(n=31). There were ninety-nine students in this study. The main findings of this study were as follows: (1)The knowledge of water resource of the subjects mainly came from television(71.7﹪)and then schools’ teachers. (2)Most students didn’t participate in water resource-related activities( 60.6﹪).As to the students taking part in water resource-related activities, there were about twenty-five(24.3﹪)percentage of subjects participated in outdoor teaching activities . (3)There were significant differences of knowledge, attitude, behavior and environmental sensitivity of water resource of the experimental between pretest and posttest. That is, values clarification approach could enhance knowledge, attitude, behavior and environmental sensitivity of water resource of the experimental. While, control group and out-of-school control group showed the opposite results. That is, traditional approach couldn’t enhance knowledge, attitude, behavior and environmental sensitivity of water resource of control group and out-of-school control group. (4)There were significant differences of knowledge, attitude, behavior and environmental sensitivity of water resource of posttest among the experimental, control group and out-of-school control group. And values clarification approach on enhancing knowledge, attitude, behavior and environmental sensitivity of water resource was better than traditional approach. (5)On the atmosphere of class, reflections of the students, values clarification approach was better than traditional approach. The teaching model of values clarification was favorable for students. (6)The teaching model of values clarification approach could promote thinking and creativity of students and impressed the subjects. While traditional approach didn’t. According to main results of this research, we explored that appling values clarification approach to water resource education was helpful to the subjects. The researcher suggested that schools’ teachers could use values clarification approach in water resource education in order to enhance environmental knowledge, attitude, behavior and sensitivity of students.






