  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 謝伸裕 林嘉志


摘 要 對需於短時間將傷害復健的運動員而言,傳統的復健療程仍太長。本實驗透過動物模式,橫向割斷大鼠的阿基里斯肌腱,3天後進行運動復健及一氧化氮(NO)處裡,為期共19天,觀察復原情形。復健方式:每天游泳一次,每次15分鐘。本實驗以36隻大鼠隨機分為六組:控制運動組、控制不運動組、SNP(NO促進劑)運動組、SNP不運動組、L-NAME(NO抑制劑)運動組、L-NAME不運動組。結果發現:依阿基里斯腱功能評估指數發現恢復快慢次序分別為SNP運動組(-0.6+3.2)、SNP不運動組(-6.3+2.7)、控制運動組(-13.7+4.2)、L-NAME運動組(-23.9+4.3)、控制不運動組(-26+3.2)、L-NAME不運動組(-33.0+6.0)。SNP運動組、控制運動組與L-NAME運動組三組間均達顯著差異水準;SNP運動組與SNP不運動組間也達顯著差異水準。結論:肌腱損傷時,給予SNP能促進NO量,配合運動復健,對受傷組織功能恢復的最有利。但如果抑制NO的合成,會延緩運動復健時肌腱功能的恢復。 關鍵詞:NO、SNP、L-NAME、運動復健


運動復健 一氧化氮


The Effect of Nitric Oxide on Tendon Injury Rehabilitation June , 2002 Graduate student:Chang-Bin Yang Advisor:Sandy Shen-Yu Hsieh Advisor:Jia-Zhi Lin Abstract Fast recovery is very important for athlete with muscular injury. However, Traditional method of rehabilitation usually takes a long time. This experiment used an animal model by cutting off the rat's Achilles tendon in order to observe that nitric oxide (NO) and swimming exercise have any effect on tendon healing. Thirty-six rats were randomly assigned into 6 groups:control with exercise, control without exercise, SNP(NO doner)treatment with exercise, SNP treatment without exercise, L-NAME(NOS inhibiter)treatment with exercise, L-NAME treatment without exercise. The exercise was swimming for 15 minutes each day for 19 days. The Achilles tendon recovery rate as indicated by Achilles Function Index were:SNP treatment with exercise group(-0.6+3.2),SNP treatment without exercise group(-6.3+2.7),control with exercise group(-13.7+4.2),L-NAME treatment with exercise group(-23.9+4.3),control without exercise group(-26+3.2),L-NAME treatment without exercise group(-33.0+6.0).There are significant different among SNP treatment with exercise ,control with exercise and L-NAME treatment with exercise. Significant different between SNP treatment with exercise and SNP treatment without exercise is also observed. Conclusion:With tendon injury, treating with SNP and rehabilitation exercise is the most effective method for tendon's functional recovery. However, inhibit the NO synthesis will delay the recovery process. Key words:NO,SNP,L-NAME, rehabilitation exercise




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