  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 許義雄博士


本研究的主要目的在透過調查來瞭解國中教師對體育課程之價值取向情形,並進而就個人背景中的不同性別、任教科別、教育背景、服務年資以及擔任不同職務等變項,採用Ennis & Chen (1993)所發展出來的價值取向量表(Value Orientation Inventory,簡稱VOI)為研究工具;以台北市九十學年度現職之健康教育與體育教師為研究對象,並依分層比例叢集抽樣原則,抽出270人為受測者,回收有效問卷213份。將所得資料統計分析後經χ2考驗,獨立樣本t考驗(t-test)及獨立樣本單因子變異數分析(One-way ANOVA),深入探討台北市國中教師對體育課程價值取向之學科精熟(DM),學習過程(LP),自我實現(SA),社會重建(SR),生態整合(EI)的差異情形。顯著水準為α =.05,結果歸納如下:一、台北市國中教師對體育課程取向之優先順序依次為學科精熟(DM),生態整合(EI),自我實現(SA),學習過程(LP),社會重建(SR)。二、就全體受測教師,具有一個課程價值取向者有59人,佔31.89%;具有二個課程價值取向者有2人,佔1.08%。三、就個人背景因素,其對體育課程價值取向在不同性別、任教科別、服務年資下,並沒有存在差異性。四、在不同教育背景因素下,達顯著差異性,經事後比較發現師範院校非本科系組教師與師範院校本科系組教師以及非師範院校本科系組教師在社會重建價值取向上存有差異性。五、在擔任不同職務因素下,專任教師與導師在學科精熟價值取向上存有差異性。研究結果建議:一、學校應提昇教師個人課程價值取向之認知以因應九年一貫課程學校本位課程之發展。二、因應九年一貫課程之實施,針對國民中小學教師研發出一套「健康與體育」之系統化的課程價值取向。 The purpose of this study is to investigate the Value Orientation of Physical Education Curriculum (VOPEC) of junior high school teachers in Taipei City. The instrument used was Ennis & Chen’s (1993) Value Orientation Inventory (VOI). The independent variables included teacher’s individual history, gender, subject matters they taught, educational background, years of service, and administrative work they served. The 270 participants in the study were selected by stratified clusters from Health and Physical Education teachers of the year 90 (2001) in Taipei City, and there were 213 retrieved valid questionnaires. All the data obtained from the valid questionnaires were analyzed statistically by χ2 test, independent t-test, and One-way ANOVA to test the differences of teachers’ Disciplinary Mastery (DM), Learning Process (LP), Self-Actualization (SA), Social Responsibility (SR), and Ecological Integration (EI) of the VOPEC. The significant level was set at α =0.05. The findings were summarized as follows. 1. The rank order of the VOPEC of teachers in Taipei City was DM, EI, SA, LP, and SR. 2. Of all the selected teachers, 59 teachers (31.89%) had one value orientation of curriculum; and 2 teachers (1.08%) had two value orientations of curriculum. 3. The statistical tests revealed no significance on VOPEC in the areas of gender, subject matters they taught, and year of service. 4. The statistics revealed that teacher’s (scores on) VOPEC significantly associated with their (scores on) VOPEC. Further posterior comparisons indicated that the difference existed within SR between teachers graduated from teachers colleges who taught their major subject and teachers graduated from teachers colleges who did not taught their major subject and teachers graduated from non-teachers colleges who taught their majors. 5. For the factor of different administrative work, it was found that (the scores on) DM were significantly different between part-time teachers and full-time teachers. Suggestions for the findings: 1. Schools should promote teacher’s understanding of the value orientation of curriculum to meet the need of school-based development of nine-year coherent curriculum. 2. To adapt the policy of nine-year coherent curriculum, it is necessary to develop a systemized value orientation of curriculum of Health and Physical Education for elementary school (1-9) teachers.


The purpose of this study is to investigate the Value Orientation of Physical Education Curriculum (VOPEC) of junior high school teachers in Taipei City.  The instrument used was Ennis & Chen’s (1993) Value Orientation Inventory ( VOI). The independent variables included teacher’s individual history, gender, subject matters they taught, educational background, years of service, and administrative work they served. The 270 participants in the study were selected by stratified clusters from Health and Physical Education teachers of the year 90 (2001) in Taipei City, and there were 213 retrieved valid questionnaires. All the data obtained from the valid questionnaires were analyzed statistically by χ2 test, independent t-test, and One-way ANOVA to test the differences of teachers’ Disciplinary Mastery (DM), Learning Process (LP), Self-Actualization (SA), Social Responsibility (SR), and Ecological Integration (EI) of the VOPEC. The significant level was set at α = 0.05. The findings were summarized as follows. 1. The rank order of the VOPEC of teachers in Taipei City was DM, EI, SA, LP, and SR. 2. Of all the selected teachers, 59 teachers (31.89%) had one value orientation of curriculum; and 2 teachers (1.08%) had two value orientations of curriculum. 3. The statistical tests revealed no significance on VOPEC in the areas of gender, subject matters they taught, and year of service. 4. The statistics revealed that teacher’s (scores on) VOPEC significantly associated with their (scores on) VOPEC. Further posterior comparisons indicated that the difference existed within SR between teachers graduated from teachers colleges who taught their major subject and teachers graduated from teachers colleges who did not taught their major subject and teachers graduated from non-teachers colleges who taught their majors. 5. For the factor of different administrative work, it was found that (the scores on) DM were significantly different between part-time teachers and full- time teachers. Suggestions for the findings: 1. Schools should promote teacher’s understanding of the value orientation of curriculum to meet the need of school-based development of nine-year coherent curriculum. 2. To adapt the policy of nine-year coherent curriculum, it is necessary to develop a systemized value orientation of curriculum of Health and Physical Education for elementary school (1-9) teachers.




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