  • 學位論文


The silent contributors in higher education: A qualitative exploration of the career development in women college student affairs administrators

指導教授 : 黃玉


本研究旨在探討女性大學學生事務行政人員生涯發展。本研究的研究問題為女性大學學生事務行政人員(組長、組員)的生涯發展歷程(如何進入學生事務工作、生涯路徑);生涯發展的內涵(工作內涵與性質、工作成就來源、工作哲學與態度、被領導經驗、領導風格與角色、同儕友誼、家庭與工作的平衡);生涯發展的重要影響因素(原生家庭、族群、宗教、學科領域與專業進修、學校文化與特色、時代);生涯發展的阻力與助力;對女性大學學生事務行政人員(組長、組員)的建議。 本研究採用質性研究,透過半結構的深度訪談,訪問六位女性大學學生事務行政人員。研究結果如下: 一、生涯發展歷程: (一)以校友身分或公務人員資格進入學生事務工作。 (二)生涯路徑是轉換的,可從工作轉換中學習宏觀、不本位,且不主動爭取升遷機會。 二、生涯發展內涵: (一)學生事務工作是具有挑戰、變動、範圍廣性質的全人教育工作,且學生事務人員扮演多元的角色。 (二)學生、主管、同仁的肯定是工作成就來源,學生不支持也是離開學生事務工作的原因。 (三)認真負責的工作哲學、重視人際關係連結的工作態度。 (四)在被領導的經驗上,研究參與者願意調整自我以適應主管的領導風格,並建立與主管的溝通管道。 (五)參與式的領導風格,強調以身作則,且組長扮演承上啟下的角色。 (六)與同儕建立如兄弟姊妹般的情誼,相互欣賞、真誠以對。主管、師長、同儕、學生等良師益友,無論正向鼓勵或負向刺激都影響生涯發展。 (七)在家庭與工作的平衡中,女性擺盪於家庭於工作間,深受罪惡感的煎熬,若能取得父母、先生、公婆的支持,將有助於生涯發展。 三、生涯發展重要影響因素: (一)從原生家庭中學習做人處世態度、養成品格教育,對女性生涯發展影響極大。 (二)族群因素並不影響生涯發展,只是多一種溝通上語言運用的能力。 (三)透過宗教,傳遞愛的精神,是精神的重要力量。 (四)人格特質比學科領域更重要。專業進修有助於增加自信、有利於工作推展,提供與主管溝通的立足點,並進而營造學習型組織。 (五)學校應提供學生多元、開放、包容的學校文化,並重視學生多元需求。且公私立學校在文化和制度上有所差異。 (六)學生事務工作應隨著時代的變遷與需求,調整目標與方向。 四、生涯發展阻力與助力: (一)影響生涯發展的阻力有刻板化性別分工、傳統價值對母職的期待、學生事務工作繁忙影響婚姻、先天性生理限制、職場性騷擾和應酬文化。 (二)影響生涯發展的助力為女性關懷特質,較男性適合擔任學生事務工作,且女性角色受到保護與體恤。 五、研究參與者對女性大學學生事務行政人員之建議: (一)性別不是藉口,用實力證明一切 (二)心胸開闊 (三)不斷進修,用專業贏得肯定 (四)善用女性優勢特質,在工作中發揮所長 (五)開啟新世界、掌握並創造機會 (六)保持身體健康 本研究亦根據上述結果,針對女性大學學生事務行政人員、教育行政主管機關及國家政策提出若干建議。


The purpose of this study was to explore the career development of six women college student affairs administrators. The research questions included: what were the process of career development, what were the contents of career development, what were the related factors of career development, what were the driving forces and restraining forces of career development, and what were the recommendations of the participants for women college student affairs administrators. Data were collected through semi-structured and in-depth interviews. Major conclusions of this study were the following: 1. The process of career development: a. Six participants entered this student affairs field through either national government employees test or alumni of their institutions. b. The career paths were mobile and passive. 2. The contents of career development: a. Student affairs were a challenged, changeable and wide work. The college student affairs administrators needed to play multiple roles. b. Major satisfaction come from their students, supervisors and colleagues. c. Working philosophy and attitudes were hardworking, responsible and human relationship oriented. d. Best followed by effectively managing their areas of responsibility and by using clear and confident communication. e. Essential elements of effective leadership were participative and being models. f. Close friendships and mentors facilitated career development. g. Felt guilty and needed supports in work-family balance. 3. The related factors of career development included: original family, religion, advanced professional studies, the culture and environments of institutions, and the living era. 4. The driving forces and restraining forces of career development: Care voices was the driving forces of career development; gender stereotypes, traditional expectations for mothers, busy schedule hinder the opportunities of marriage, physical astricts, and sexual harassment were restraining forces of career development. 5. The recommendations of the participants for women college student affairs administrators were: a. Gender wasn’t an excuse, and just did your best. b. Open-minded. c. Continued studying. d. Used advantages of women. e. Opened your eyes and created opportunities. f. Kept healthy. Implications and recommendations for the student affairs profession and further research were discussed.




呂雅燕(2004)。大學社團參與經驗對其畢業後生涯發展影響之研究 - 以東吳大學畢業生為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-2004200712432872
