  • 學位論文


Research on the Time and Space Development of Taichung’s Department Stores

指導教授 : 周學政


台中市是台灣中部的區域中心,台灣第三大都市,但其百貨公司發展的盛況卻遠超過第二大的高雄市,直追台北市,因此本研究以台中市百貨公司為研究主題,企圖透過分析台中市百貨公司的發展與所在區位環境的關聯性,以建構出在各項區位要素轉變下,百貨公司經營型態與商圈範圍的改變。其重要研究成果摘要如下: 一、百貨公司區位特性轉變之地理意義: 以都市地理學的觀點來看,台中市市中心區在鐵路與公共汽車盛行時代,因兼具轉運站的功能與商業集中的特色,自然形成最繁忙的商業區。而台中市百貨公司在市中心發展階段設立的區位是依附著人潮所在,與市中心既有的商業區相結合。在民國70年代末期以後,百貨公司為因應個人運具汽、機車盛行之下都市空間往邊區擴張的趨勢,選擇設在交通便利的主要幹道或攔截環上攔截了郊區的消費者,消費者不再進城消費,阻擋了市中心百貨的商機。最後,百貨公司發展至多核心發展階段,百貨公司消費人潮有隨著超大型百貨公司而移動的趨勢,未來只有位置適當的超大型百貨才有生存空間。 台中市市中心地位由原本的市中心優勢期轉變為衰退期,此時邊區百貨公司相繼設立在主要幹道與外環道附近,形成市中心百貨商機的攔阻者使其盛極而衰。總之,台中市百貨公司發展模式具有下列特色:(1)規模夠大,攔截效應才會產生;(2)攔截環與幹道交會處附近是最佳區位,但非所有攔截環與幹道交會處附近皆會有百貨公司出現;(3)相較底特律的發展多為連鎖店,台中市新成立百貨公司背景與建設公司有密切關連性;(4)台中市百貨公司東、南方向的發展明顯受鐵路阻隔,區位較為不利。台中市是台灣地區都市當中舊市中心最明顯呈現高度衰退的都市,市中心百貨業的興衰更是區位轉移後整體趨勢所造成,藉由台中市百貨公司的時空發展歷程,應該可以作為私有交通工具漸趨發達、都市向邊區擴展的台灣地區其他都市借鏡。 二、傳統百貨及超大型百貨公司對周遭商業區經濟活動的影響: 市中心發展階段,傳統百貨公司相聚一起具有乘數效應。相對而言,多核心發展階段之後,超大型百貨公司在消費者一次購足的習性下,相聚一起會產生聚集不經濟的情形,因此大型百貨公司對周遭商業區的經濟活動影響甚少。 三、消費者購物習性的轉變導致大型百貨已朝向購物中心化的發展,娛樂及休閒設施比重大為增加。 四、台中市百貨公司發展方向主要受到經濟發展與都市計畫影響,由市中心商業區逐漸向西北方擴展。 五、台中市百貨商圈假日商圈主要包括台中縣市及彰化的彰化市、和美鎮、員林鎮、南投的南投市、草屯鎮等區。


區位 商圈 百貨公司 台中市


Taichung, the third largest city, is the center of middle Taiwan. Regarded as the third largest city, Taichung has been renowned for its prosperous development of the department stores. In fact, the development of Taichung’s department stores has far surpassed that of Kaohsiung’s department stores, thus ranking second in Taiwan. This research is focused upon Taichung’s department stores, attempting to analyze the connection between the development of the department stores and their location. I would like to construct the picture of the change of the business types and the trading areas of the department stores. The following is the abstract of the result of the research. I. The Significance of the Transformation of the Location Change of the Department Stores: In terms of the urban geography, old downtown used to be the most bustling area in Taichung because it was the beginning as well as the terminal of the railroad and the highway. Old downtown used to be the hub of the traffic and the commerce. In the developing stage of old downtown, the construction sites of Taichung’s department stores have much to do with the flowing of the crowd. When the crowd was combined with the original commercial areas, accelerating development phase was then influenced by urbanization; more and more people were moving out of downtown to the suburban district. For this reason, department stores began to appear in the traffic-convenient spots. Since the late 1980s, as more and more citizens are capable of purchasing private cars and motorcycles in Taichung, many of the department stores have been set up at the major arterial routes or interceptor rings, where numerous suburban inhabitants dwell. The suburban inhabitants (consumers) have stopped going downtown for shopping; thus the downtown business has been severely influenced. Ultimately, In the stage of muti-ncleus start to be built in the suburban areas because the department stores simply can not survive in old downtown. Owing to the set-up of the numerous large department stores, more and more people are swarming into these areas. We can predict that in the future only in the appropriate location can the department stores survive. The position of old downtown has been transformed from the prosperous era to the declining time, during which several large department stores are set up at the intersection of the important boulevards. These new department stores have gradually choked the pulse of the downtown department stores. The long and short of it is that Taichung department stores have several characteristics: 1. They are large enough to intercept the business of the downtown counterpart. 2. The intercepting rings and the interception of the boulevards are the most suitable location for the set-up of the department stores. However, the department stores do not show up in each intercepting ring or the interception of the boulevards. 3.In contrast with Detroit’s chained department stores, the newly founded department stores in Taichung have much to with the real estates. 4. The east and south of Taichung are obviously affected by the running through of the railway. Taichung is the most typical example whose old downtown has seriously declined as a result of the shifting of the business areas to the suburban boulevards. Given the space and time development of Taichung’s department stores, we should be able to learn a lesson: in a city/town whose denizens can afford to purchase the sedans and tend to live in the suburban areas, the government should be aware of the problem of Taichung: marginalization of old downtown and urbanization of the new settlements. II. The effects of the traditional and large department stores upon the economic activity of the immediate commercial areas: During the developing stage of old downtown, the clustering of the department stores has the multiplying effects. On the contrary, after the stage of muti-ncleus, the clustering of the super-large department stores have negative effects because the consumers tend to buy what they need in the same shopping mall. Therefore, large department stores do not influence the economic activity of the immediate commercial areas greatly. III. The changing of the consumer’s purchasing habits has resulted in the transformation of the large department stores into the shopping mall, where the amusement facilities play an important role. IV. The development of Taichung’s department stores is chiefly influenced by economic progress and urban projects. The development has been spreading from the middle downtown to the northwestern settlements. V. During the holiday, Taichung’s department store’s trading areas mainly include Taichung City and Taichung County, Chung-hua City, Ho-mei Township, Yun-lin Township, Nan-tou City, and Tsou-tuan Township.




