  • 學位論文

貝克(Ulrich Beck)風險社會理論及其對成人教育的啟示

Ulrich Beck’s Theory of ‘Risk Society’ and Its Implications for Adult Education

指導教授 : 陳雪雲


成人教育為因應社會發展的政策,為建構理想的成人教育,則須瞭解現今社會的樣貌。「風險社會」理論是詮釋當今社會樣貌的理想理論,所以探究Beck的風險社會理論,以及從中尋求成人教育的啟示是重要的。本文研究目的即是論述Beck「風險社會」理論內涵,以及從風險社會觀點,探求成人教育事業未來發展的啟示,以作為成人教育理論建構和工作實務之參考。 Beck觀察社會狀態,看到現代化的成果有一種事實「反撲」的行為,現代化發展的成果反過來侵蝕現代化發展的基底,造成一種自我消解的現象,致使社會的發展進入處處充滿風險的「風險社會」。另一方面,在教育權普及、勞工市場上對流動性的強烈需求和勞動關係的高度法律化、以及社會福利以個人為單位的情況下,個人主義化產生大眾性的現象,造成社會大眾有自我決定生涯、自我承擔風險以及認同危機等個人風險。面對此二大風險議題,Beck認為需有新的方式來處理,不能再相信專家、知識、政府官員,且科學理性和科技決策的方式都需要改變。 次政治的興起,可說是風險社會的一個現象,亦是對於高科技/生態環境風險和個人主義化危機的回應與解決方式,成人教育介入的契機亦在於此!從風險社會的觀點來看,學習不再是穩定的保證,反而刺激更多學習的需要,因而使終身學習成為必須。「知識」是風險社會權力的來源,但由於「知識」的不確定、不能掌握,人們需要對知識反思,實然引發能力、德性的更加重要。因此,欲培養第二現代所需內涵,必須藉由「參與社群」、「投入社群」來習得。由風險社會的論述可知,學習場域有兩種層次,一是由經過個人主義化的個人所組成的各種民間團體,另一則是提供各個不同團體意見、利益協商的公共領域。成人教育在這其中的使命即是要充實相關知識、促進社群動能以及扮演經紀人的角色,讓不同意見、利益的民間團體可以有協調與溝通的空間。


Adult education can be seen as the social policy. For reinvention of adult education, it’s necessary to examine the context of political and social life. Ulrich Beck’s theory of the ‘risk society’ is widely used to explain the uncertainty of contemporary social life, so it is important to introduce and elaborate the theory in order to imply to the field of adult education. Put it differently, the purpose of this study is to explore Beck’s notion of ‘risk society’ and it significations in relation to the education of adults. In the face of the risk society, Beck suggests that modernization confronts itself and industrial modernization characterized as unintended and unseen, self-application, self-dissolution and the self-endangerment. Here comes risk society! Furthermore, the expansion of education, strong demands for mobility in the labour market and a far advanced jurisdiction of labour relationships make the individual as the subject of entitlements and obligations. Under the context of individualization, individuals have risks of self-produce, self-shoulder and self-identity. To solve these two major risks, Beck suggests that we need new solutions to learning the way out. For instance, experts, knowledge, officers are no longer trust, instead we need to change the way of thinking and reorganize our own lives in order to giving meaning to experience and make intelligent decisions about technical policy. The reinvention of sub-politics is suggested as a field of practice in face of risk society, and seen as the means to resolve the problem of risk and individualization. By the way, sub-politics is also the area of that the critical adult education can step in! According to Beck’s theorization of risk society, learning is no longer means ’stability’, but stimulate the need to learn through life span! Knowledge and power in the risk society, is contextually uncertain, uncontrolled, and need to reflect on. Therefore we have to rethink the conceptions of adult learning that should emphasize the cultivation of civic virtue rather than knowledge. For having civic virtue, we pose the need for educating through community. In the final part, two kinds of learning community are highlighted including local community and the public sphere. The mission of adult education is to enable people as a broker!




