  • 學位論文


Change and Grow up: Organization socialization process of distributor.

指導教授 : 彭淑華


本研究意欲探討傳銷商在傳銷中的組織社會化歷程,其中以質化研究的取向,主要以訪談法,輔以觀察法和文件資料對CT公司之傳銷商進行資料的蒐集,而本研究目的為:一、了解傳銷商在就職前期的價值信念。二、探討傳銷商在接觸期所經歷之狀況。三、探討傳銷商在改變與獲得期的改變內涵。 根據研究結果,據以得到以下之研究結論: 一、 傳銷商在就職前期時期的價值信念分為四部分:分別以自我概念、人際關係、工作信念、對傳銷的看法四方面探討 (一) 自我概念包括缺乏自信、目標闕如、個性木訥、個性害羞等 (二) 人際關係為人際狹隘、害怕與人接觸、人際相處被動等。 (三)工作信念包括重視工作的保障性、工作升遷有限及環境氣氛會影響工作士氣、工作上自我定位等。 (四)對傳銷的看法分為負面看法跟非負面看法,其中負面看法包括老鼠會、強迫的推銷方式、耍嘴皮子的賺錢方式、層層剝削、傳銷很難做等,另外也有認為其只是一種行銷方式的非負面看法。 二、 加入傳銷的動機包括產品符合需求、工作符合需求、學習專業技術、賺錢、他人成功的見證等。 三、 對組織環境的特色與感受,包括充滿活力、氣氛很HIGH、熱情的互動關係、不分你我,融為一體、快樂的氣氛、充滿愛與鼓勵及假象的營造。 四、 組織中的人際互動關係為上下線間受「對上尊崇,對下負責」所影響,而旁線間較少競爭關係,資源共享。 五、 對工作任務的體認,包括對銷售、服務、帶線之各式正、負向經驗。 六、 家庭與傳銷工作之衝突,包括重要他人如先生、父母、家人、女兒對其從事傳銷工作而影響家庭頗有微言。 七、 傳銷中學習機制可分為正式的學習及非正式的學習,其中正式的學習則如訓練課程,而非正式的學習則包括人際互動的學習、從經驗中學習及自我導向學習等三種方式學習。 八、 傳銷在改變與獲得期的改變內涵包括個人內在的學習、外表的改變、人際關係的改變、專業知識的獲得、講台台風的穩健等五方面,另外,對組織認同提高等。 最後根據上述研究結論,提出具體之建議,作為傳銷商及傳銷組織及未來研究之參考


The purpose of this study is to explore organizational socialization process of distributor. There are five major objectives to the study: I. Understand the value and belief of distributor in prearrival stage. II. Debate the real situation in encounter stage. III. Debate the inwardness of change of distributor in change and acquisition stage.. To achieve the above objectives, we make related research and theory discussion through literature reviews. Then, according to the results of literature review, we make interview tools to deeply interview eight distributor . Consequently, there are the following conclusions: I. Distributor has four beliefs to be discussed in prearrival stage: Self-concept, personal relationship, awareness of job and the concept of multi-level marketing. II. What is the motivation to join the multi-level marketing: product-oriented, job-oriented, learning-oriented, money-oriented, success-oriented. III. The feeling from the organization: cheerful, good interactive, un-selfish and encourage atmosphere and mask of pretense. IV. The interactive relation in organization is “Respect the supervisor, Responsible for subordinate”, however, the low competition and information shared with colleague. V. Awareness of job function: the positive and negative experience of selling, serve customer and supervise the subordinate VI. The conflict between family and organization of multi-level marketing: Because join the distributor impact the normal family life, his/her conjugality, parents and children have some misunderstanding and complaint. VII. The learning channel in organization: The official channel is training lesson, the opposite is interactive learning, learning by doing and self-directed learning. VIII. The distributor will be changed in change and acquisition stage: the learning of inner mind, the change of look, the difference of personal relationship, the obtainment of professional skill and well speaking in speech. The most important point is that the deeply identify with organization. According to these conclusions, this research proposed suggestions for distributor ,multi-level marketing organization and future study.


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