  • 學位論文


Screening and Prevention Effects on Self-Half Behaviors of Gifted Senior High Schoo Students

指導教授 : 吳武典 盧台華


本研究旨在探討高中資優學生自我傷害行為的篩檢與防治,總共有兩個部分。其一是發展出高中職學生適用的自我傷害篩檢工具-「我的人生」量表,這是一套突破受試者防衛心理,反映受試者內心深層自殺意念的多向度評量工具,共分成八個分量表(四個屬正向人生、四個屬負向人生)及一個一致性分量表。建立有台灣地區高中與高職兩種學校類別的參照常模。經本量表篩選出的高危險群學生與一般學生,實施在憂鬱、絕望感與自殺意念上的差異比較,以進行理論的驗證,並探討憂鬱、絕望感與自殺意念的關係。其二是編製資優學生自我傷害防治實驗教材,分成生命意義、死亡態度和因應認知與策略等三大領域,共計十個單元,每個單元分為兩節的教學活動設計。選取臺北市某高中兩個數理資優班學生作實驗組,進行一學期每班20節的實驗教學,另兩班為素質優秀的普通班學生作為控制組,以了解實驗教學在正負向人生、生命意義、死亡態度、自我尊重、思考方式、解決問題與情緒取向因應策略等方面的實驗成效。本研究主要發現如下: 一、「我的人生」量表之編製和考驗 1.量表信度:內部一致性係數為.45至.83,折半信度為.92,重測信度在為.47~.76,均令人滿意。 2.量表效度:建構效度(因素分析)或效標關聯效度考驗(以憂鬱、絕望感與自殺意念量表為效標),均頗理想。 3.量表常模:樣本取自北、中、南、東四個地理區之高中、高職,以班級為單位(均為二年級學生),男女人數相當,共計高中組810名,高職組391名,總共1,201 名。依據高中與高職的學校類別分別建立T分數與百分等級常模。 4.以憂鬱與絕望感預測高中生「正向人生」得分,可以解釋的總變異為40.28%,而絕望感比憂鬱更具影響性;以憂鬱與絕望感預測「負向人生」,則解釋的總變異為39.04%,憂鬱與絕望感之預測力相當。 二、資優學生自我傷害防治課程的實驗效果 1.實驗教學對於增進高中資優學生「正向人生」、「生命意義」、「問題解決取向」與「情緒取向」均有顯著的成效。 2.實驗教學在提升高中資優學生「自我尊重」上,無顯著的效果。 3.實驗教學對於降低高中資優學生「負向人生」、「死亡態度」、「思考扭曲」等方面有顯著的成效。 4.實驗組學生對教學活動設計、練習活動作業單與師生互動都有很正面的回饋。 最後就本研究的發現,從量表應用、教學輔導、教育行政和未來研究四方面提出建議。


The purposes of the study were to explore the screening and prevention effects on self-harm behaviors of gifted senior high students. On the screening effects, A self-harm behavior screening ”My Life Inventory( MLI ) "was developed a set of multi- dimension scale to break through the defense mechanism of the client, and reflects the inner deep stratus of suicidal ideation. The MLI consisted of eight subscales ( four for positive lives and four for negative lives ) and one consis-tence subscale. Two levels of referenced norms for senior and vocational high schools were established. The high risk gifted students screened by MLI were compared with their normal coun erparts measured by Beck Scales for Depression, Hopelessness,and Suicidal Ideation. The relationship among depression, hopelessness, and suicidal ideation could be tested. On the prevention effects, an experimental study was conducted . The Self-Harm Prevention Course (SHPC) for the gifted, contained death attitude, coping cognition and strategies categories, with ten units in total, each teaching unit was devided into two sections of teaching activities. Two academically gifted classes ( n=83 ) in a senior high school served as the experimental group ( EG ),while the other two regular classes ( n=84 )with high academical achievement from the same school served as the control group ( CG ). The EG participated in a 20 hours’ SHPC in one semester, to explore the experimental effects of eight variables, including positive and negtive life, life meanings, death attitude, self esteem, thinking distortion, problem-solving and emotional oriented coping strategies. The major findins of the study were as follows: (1)The reliabilities of MLI were consistent with middle to high significant level. Results showed that internal consistent coefficients reached from .45 to .83, the split-half reliabi- lity was .92, the test-retest reliabilities were from .47 to .76. (2) The construct validity by factor analysis and the concurrent validities using the depression, hopelessness,and suicidal ideation as criterions appeared to be good. (3)Using both depress and hopelessness scales to predict the MLI performances, it was found that they accounted for the total variation of positive and negative lives reached 40.28% and 39.04% respectively. (4)The SHPC had significantly effects on increasing gifted students’ positive lives, life meanings,and coping strate- gies , but did not enhance their self esteem significantly. (5) The SHPC had significantly effects on decreasing gifted students’ negtive lives, death attitude, and thinking dis- tortion. (6) The EG students had good feedbacks on teaching activities, practicing assignments,and teacher-student relationship. Based on the findings, suggestions for the MLI imple- mentation, prevention strategies, educational administration, and further researches were included in this study.


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