  • 學位論文


A Study on the Development of the Primary Education in Zhejiang in the Late Ching Dynasty (1893~1911)

指導教授 : 周愚文博士


本研究屬於歷史研究,主要透過對文獻、史料的整理、分析、歸納與綜合,以瞭解晚清浙江初等教育推動的情形。本研究所得結論如下: 一、浙江在經濟上較內陸省分繁榮;在文教上,士紳階級勢力大,再加上 熱衷興學,奠定教育基礎。開港對外通商後,新興商人階級興起。同 時教會學校的設立,影響近代小學制度的建立。 二、晚清新式小學堂的興辦,朝廷負責統籌規劃,但在監督上對地方的影 響是有限的。省級政府主要是負責統籌與督導,而府州縣級地方政府 則負責實際興學與宣導等。浙江的地方官在興學的過程中扮演重要的 角色,但仍有人做出不利的舉動。 三、晚清士紳階級的組成產生轉變,出現「商紳」及「新知識份子」。浙 江士紳階級在新式小學堂的興辦上,佔有重要的地位。但是也有惡劣 士紳假借推廣學校之名以圖利私人,對地方學務產生不利的影響。 四、浙江新式小學堂的數量,主要分佈在浙北平原區及沿海地區,可見其 深受經濟發展情況及地理位置的影響。在設置的時間上,在光緒32年 (1906)廢除科舉後,學堂數量開始大幅成長,浙江的情形與全國一 致。但境內位居內陸的府州,數量成長時間也相對較遲。 五、新式小學堂的經費不足,因此校舍多利用原有的建築改設而成,並抽 收學捐籌措經費。浙江抽收學捐使民眾產生反彈,造成毀學事件,對 新式小學堂的設立產生不利影響。 六、新式小學堂的課程中,除國文、算術、歷史外,其餘科目差異甚大。 其原因可能是為符合各地需求,也可能與師資有關。由於師資不足, 以致浙江新式小學堂的教師仍多由秀才或私塾教師充任。 七、晚清新式小學堂的數量無法滿足需求,因此改良私塾以補學堂的不 足。但民國以後,私塾數量仍相當多,在晚清的初等教育中,仍佔有 相當重要的地位。此情形浙江與全國的現象是一致的。


初等教育 晚清 浙江 浙江教育 新式小學


The main purpose of this study is to inquire the emergence and establishment of the primary education in Zhejiang province in the late Ching Dynasty. The conclusions of this study are as follows. 1.Zhejiang was economically more prosperous than other provinces . In the aspect of education, the social strata of the respected or the privileged called “Shi-shen”-gentry were of great influence and enthusiasm about establishing schools. With the flourishing of foreign trade in the commercial ports, the status of the new tradesmen “Shang-shen” were gradually raising; meanwhile, the emergence of missionary schools had contribution to the setup of modern primary school systems. 2.In the late Ching , the court was in charge of designing the new type primary schools; however, only limited impacts had the supervision of the government made on the local education authorities. For the provincial government, its responsibility was to design and supervise. Other lower authorities took charge of implementation and advertisement of primary education. 3.In the late Ching, as the constituents of “Shi-shen” strata had been changing, “Shang-shen” and “Neo-intellectuals” emerged. The Shi-shen of Zhejiang was one of important elements of establishing the new type primary schools. 4.The new type primary schools were mainly located at the plane areas at north Zhejiang and the coast ones. It showed that the economic development and the geographical positions were the major influential factors. 5.Owing to the deficiency of funds, most of the new type primary schools made use of the school premises on hand. In order to raise funds, the governments began to levy taxes for schooling. 6.For the curriculum of primary schools, there was great diversity among different schools. It was probably because the courses were designed to suit the local conditions, or it might be in relation to the quantity and quality of the teachers. Lacking of qualified teachers, many of them in those primary schools in Zhejiang are served by the private tutors at home schools(Ssu-shu) or Sheng-yuan.. 7.Ssu-shu played an important role in the primary education in the late Ching and after. The phenomenon then in the Empire coincided with that in Zhejiang.
