  • 學位論文


Education of national identity in Taiwan during the Japanese colonical period(1895-1945)

指導教授 : 林玉体


本文探討日治時期(1895-1945)國家認同教育實施之情況。從教育政策、公學校教科書、社會教育體系、台灣民族運動、以及口述歷史等面向,討論之。 一、教育政策制訂方面,分成四個時期探討。(一)奠基期(1895-1918):日本以語言教育為手段,實現同化台灣人民國家意識之目標;(二)「台灣教育令」時期(1919-1922):推展實業教育,達成殖民及奴化台灣之目的;(三)「改正台灣教育令」時期(1922-1941)倡導內地延長主義,管制書房教育,祛除人民漢族意識;(四)「國民學校令」時期(1941-1945),以國家利益為前提制訂教育政策,務求將台灣人鍊成「皇國臣民」。 二、分析公學校教科書,以國語、修身、歷史三科分別討論其中國家認同教育之意涵。研究發現,課程中充滿灌輸學童認同日本帝國之意識型態。透過課程教化,教授忠君愛國思想、涵養學童德性品格,形塑台灣人民認同日本之國民精神 三、社會教育體系以多元化方式,統合人民的國家認同觀。(一)推展國家神道、整理傳統寺廟,改變人民宗教信仰;(二)推廣改姓名運動,根除台灣人民漢族意識;(三)推廣國語運動、及國語家庭制度,加速日本文化之灌輸;(四)推展皇民文學、歌曲、戲劇、電影,加強皇民精神教育。 四、台灣民族運動乃是台灣知識份子對日本實施強制性之國家認同教育形成之反動。不過由於日本以強大之國家力量,推展同化政策與皇民化運動,使得台灣人民國家意識逐漸轉向。 五、本文訪問日治末期接受國民學校教育之耆老,口述當時學校課程教學、生活教育、及社會生活;經過日治末期學校教育、及社會制度之洗禮,人們對日本之統治心悅臣服,認同於日本之國民精神。


The purpose of this study is to explore education of national identity in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period. National identity education is about the teaching work to change the people’s national concept. This research discussing the issue is through five dimensions: education policies, textbooks in public school, social education, Taiwan People Movement, and oral history description. Chapter 1 describes about the method of this study. The data of this research is qualitative, including documents analysis, literature review, textbook analysis, and people interview. All of these are for receiving excellent data to understand education of national identity in Taiwan from 1895 to 1945. Chapter 2 introduces Taiwan’s history about national concept and identity from 1624 to 2003. There are four sections in this chapter explaining different era’s teaching working about the ideology education. Chapter 3 discusses the educational policies during the Japanese ruling period. The educational aim of the Japanese government is to develop the patriotism of Taiwanese with the hope of all of Taiwanese will be loyal to the leader of Japan. Chapter 4 analyses the textbooks of the pubic school including three subjects: Japanese, Moral, and History. The contexts of these textbooks are full of national identity ideology. They teach Taiwan’s children in the devotion to the country of Japan. Chapter 5 explains the contents of social education during the period of Japanese ruling. By the movement of Nipponese, Taiwanese almost think that they were really Japanese at that time. But some educated people also initiate Taiwan People Movement to fight the government’s control. In Chapter 6, the researcher invites three persons who ever received public school education to understand how they think about the Nipponese education. All of three men respect the education system during the Nipponese era. They were also influenced deeply by the social and school instructions. Chapter 7 shows conclusions and suggestions about this study. The Japan government put patriotism into practice to let Taiwanese loyal and steadfast to the country. According to the conclusions, this study recommends some suggestions: 1. The education policies should have social guidance functions. 2. The curriculum design has to fit children’s experience. 3. Social education could be independent from politics ideology. 4. National identity education should be developed after we are sure what main body of the country is.


許凱琳(2005)。日治時期放送節目音樂內容之研究(1937~1941) ─以軍歌放送為中心〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2005.10329
