  • 學位論文


A Research on Managing the Class Reading Groups in Senior High Schools

指導教授 : 林孟真


本研究旨在探討國內高中圖書館辦理班級讀書會之實施現況、經營理念、資源需求、效益評估與策略方案。以及不同背景變項的高中圖書館主任對辦理班級讀書會,在理念、資源、評估、策略等方面之比較。再根據問卷調查結果,提出結論與建議,俾供規劃高中圖書館辦理班級讀書會之參考。 本研究以全國295所高中圖書館主任為研究對象,採用問卷調查法,以研究者自編之「高級中學圖書館辦理班級讀書會調查研究問卷」進行調查,並利用SPSS統計套裝軟體進行資料分析,所應用的統計方法包括次數分配、百分比等。 根據文獻探討及問卷調查,本研究結果發現: 一、高中辦理班級讀書會由圖書館負責辦理的比例相當高,辦理的時間在二學年以上,正好是教育部八十九年八月發函各校具體施行的時間點。至於尚未辦理班級讀書會的主因,乃是由於學校校務重點工作計畫沒有列入。 二、高中辦理班級讀書會多利用聯課及班會時間舉行,平均參與人數在30人以上,出席率有70%,聚會頻率以每月一次、每次聚會時間二小時為主。 三、高中辦理班級讀書會有設班級文庫的學校居多。至於活動的紀錄則以班級讀書會日誌及出版相關刊物最多,班級讀書會的評鑑次數以每學期一次最普遍。 四、班級讀書會的功能在增進自我成長、擴展知識領域,以及增進思考和批判能力。班級讀書會領導人方面,公立學校圖書館主任主張由班級成員輪流或成員互選產生,私立學校圖書館主任則偏向於由導師或學科教師擔任。班級讀書會的主題,多與當前社會脈動有關:偏重生命教育、文學藝術與人生哲學;班級讀書會未來的走向,以網路讀書會最被看好。 五、辦理班級讀書會最需求的資源,可分為校外和校內兩大部份:校外最需求的資源包括:家長的投入、專家學者的指導、與社區公共圖書館的互動等;校內最需求的資源則為:校內教師的支持與參與、學生的配合以及校內圖書館館藏的供應。高中圖書館給予班級讀書會最重要的協助,包括閱讀材料的採選與提供及對讀書會領導人的培訓。 六、班級讀書會最有效益的成果評鑑,包括出版相關刊物、心得報告、製作網頁及辦理展覽等;對於評鑑的方法,全國圖書館主任普遍認為應列入輔導團評鑑項目中辦理。 七、對於窒礙班級讀書會經營的主要因素,據研究調查顯示:升學導向的阻礙、師生對讀書會本質不瞭解、沒有讀書會的師資或設備、學校校務重點沒有列入等為最大的影響因素。對教育部推動班級讀書會,全國圖書館主任認為提供多樣的培訓課程、更明確制度化及增加經費補助等,為班級讀書會永續經營的最重要項目。 研究建議為: 一、班級讀書會納入校務重點工作計畫中切實執行。 二、班級讀書會與班會或聯課活動時間相結合,不致佔用上課時間且可全面施行。 三、將班級讀書會擴展與親職教育相結合,使學校教育與家庭聯繫的管道更為暢通。 四、教育行政機關定期辦理讀書會種子隊的培訓課程,讓學校有人才推行相關的讀書會活動。 五、高中圖書館積極協助充實班級文庫或採選閱讀材料,以提供班級讀書會之閱讀資源。 六、班級讀書會之實施宜由圖書館輔導團列入評鑑項目中,定期評鑑、考核成效。 七、配合資訊科技,規劃班級讀書會發展為網路讀書會,可使班級讀書會活動的進行更不受時空限制,達到永續經營的效果。


The purpose of this research is to study the class reading groups in senior high schools. The aspects of the study include the current situation, the executive guidelines, essential resources, evaluation of performance, strategy and scenarios, also, the differences among Directors of senior high school libraries from various backgrounds about their guidelines, resources, evaluation and strategy. Moreover, according to the results of this survey, the researcher hopes to offer some suggestions for your reference to managing class reading groups. This research samples all 295 Directors of senior high school libraries in Taiwan. The method used to collect data is having a questionnaire to fill out. The researcher compiled the questionnaire titled “A Questionnaire on Managing the Class Reading Groups in Senior High Schools.” SPSS is used for data analysis, frequency, and percentage. The following conclusions are drawn from the literature study and the result of the questionnaire: 1. A large percentage of the senior high school libraries are in charge of the class reading groups. The duration is more than 2 years, in which it happened to be the time when the Education Department required senior high schools to manage class reading groups. As for the libraries that didn’t manage any class reading groups, the main reason is that the management of the class reading groups is not included in the school development plan. 2. The class reading groups usually meet in the “extra curricular” or “class meeting” hours. The number of the group members averages 30 or even more; the attendance is above 70%; the members meet more than once per month, for about 2 hours at a time. 3. Many of the class reading groups also have their own “classroom collection.” The minutes of the group meetings are presented by means of journals or the issue of related newsletters or reports. The class reading groups generally are evaluated once per semester. 4. The functions of the class reading groups are the reinforcement of self-growth, the expansion of knowledge, the reinforcement of independent thinking and criticism. As for the leaders of the class reading groups, most of the directors of the public school libraries advocate the elected one among class members or smiply a leader by turns; while most of those in the private school libraries advocate the homeroom teachers or the subject teachers. The topics of the class reading groups are usually related to the current issues; among these, life education, literature, art and philosophy of life are preferred. The cyber class reading groups are expected in the near future. 5. The essential resources for the management of the class reading groups can be categorized according to the source of the resources: the off-campus resources are the parents’ involvement, the experts’ guidance, the interaction with the public libraries in the community, etc.; while the on-campus resources are the teachers’ support and participation, the students’ cooperation, and the supply of the library collection. The most important assistance libraries can offer includes the selection and supply of reading materials, and the training courses for the group leaders. 6. To evaluate the performance of the class reading groups, the following achievements can be taken into consideration: the related newsletters and publications issued, the essays and the reports, the webpages, or the exhibitions held. Most of the directors of the senior high school libraries advocate that the evaluation be one of the tasks performed by the committee of library consultation. 7. The survey shows that the main factors blocking the management of the class reading groups are the pressure of entrance examinations, the ignorance of the essence of the class reading groups, lack of the teachers and the equipment, the absence of the reading group management in school development plans, etc. Most of the directors of the school libraries believe that the various training courses, more explicit regulations and the subsidiaries are the most important aid the Education Department should offer to maintain the class reading groups. The following are researcher’s suggestions: 1. The management of the class reading groups should be included in the school development plan in order to be executed completely. 2. The class reading groups can be associated with “class meeting” and “extra curricular” hours so that they will not take the time of other subjects and can easily and be held. 3. The class reading groups can be associated with parent education to promote the communication between school and home. 4. The educational authorities concerned should offer training courses for the class reading groups leaders on a regular basis so that the school administration can have proper human resources to manage the class reading groups. 5. The senior high school libraries should actively help furnish the class with “classroom collection” or select reading materials. 6. The regular evaluation of the class reading groups should be one of the tasks performed by the committee of library consultation. 7. With the help of the information technology, the management of the class reading groups can turn into cyber class reading groups so that they can be achieved beyond the limit of time and space and stay sustainable.




