  • 學位論文


How school volunteer leading styles affect volunteer organizational development

指導教授 : 柯正峰


本研究定名為「學校志工領導行為影響志工組織發展之研究-----以台北縣國小志工為例」,旨在瞭解以台北縣國小志工領導與志工組織的現況,並根據研究結果提出結論與建議。為達上述目的,特編製「學校志工領導行為與組織發展調查問卷」實施問卷調查,蒐集相關資料。研究對象以台北縣之公立國民小學現任志工為範圍。 本研究抽樣時依效標效度採分層立意抽樣,第一層以台北縣政府教育局所劃分的九大學區為分層標準,再依「各區志工人數」為第二層的標準,為兼顧母群學校規模大小的實際分配狀況,研究者參酌各學區學校數目後,並衡量學校志工人數以為分層依據,以立意方式隨機抽取若干學校為樣本學校,並委請各校校長或輔導室主任隨機抽樣若干志工,作為研究的樣本。共回收有效樣本417份,問卷可用率達90.65%。再分別以因素分析、信度分析、描述統計、t考驗、單因子多變項變異數分析與單變項變異數分析以及逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方法對研究資料進行統計分析,主要發現如下: 一、 台北縣國小志工所知覺的志工領導行為在「魅力領導」、「激 發鼓舞」及「關懷啟發」方面均給予高度肯定,對志工組織發展亦給良好的評價。 (一) 志工領導行為在「魅力領導」及「激發鼓舞」二個層面的 表現均優於「關懷啟發」。 (二) 志工組織發展在「組織學習」及「組織認同」二個層面的 表現均優於「組織績效」。 二、不同人口背景變項的志工所知覺的志工領導行為,在性別、年齡、教育程度、擔任學校志工年資、宗教信仰、平均每週在學校服務的時間、職業及目前擔任的職務等八項目,均無顯著差異。 三、不同人口背景變項的志工所知覺的志工組織發展,在年齡、教育程度、擔任學校志工年資、宗教信仰、平均每週在學校服務的時間及職業,均無顯著差異。而以擔任不同的職務的志工,所知覺的志工組織發展,有顯著差異。隊長對志工組織發展中的組織績效、組織認同的感受高於組長及一般志工,而組長高於一般志工。 四、 志工組織發展的提升,多是來自於志工領導行為的影響。志工領導人以關懷啟發與激發鼓舞的領導行為對組織績效較為有利。 五、 志工的領導行為對志工組織發展具有預測作用 (一) 志工領導行為各層面對志工組織發展之預測作用, 現以「關懷啟發」及「激發鼓舞」對整體志工組織發展有顯著的預測作用。 (二) 「關懷啟發」以及「魅力領導」對志工組織績效有顯 著的預測作用。 (三) 「激發鼓舞」以及「關懷啟發」對志工組織認同有顯著的 預測作用。 (四) 「關懷啟發」對組織學習具有顯著預測力。 根據以上研究結論,提出以下建議: 一、 對教育行政機關的建議 (一)重視學校志工人力資源開發的整合,妥切訂定運用計畫。 (二)因應志願服務法的制定,規劃長期性制度化的學校志工制度。 (三)建立評鑑獎勵制度,制定學校志工獎勵辦法。 二、 對學校單位的建議 (一) 從研究發現志工領導日趨重要,應重視志工組織領導人的 重要性,並充分授權。 (二)重視志工領導進修訓練,增加志工領導人有效的領導行為。 (三)肯定學校志工的服務價值,關懷志工成員,提升志工組織效能。 (四)定期舉辦有關志工學習,落實教育訓練與研習活動,增進 志工組織認同。 (五) 獎勵長期資深志工對學校付出,並定期公開表揚給予尊榮 回饋。 三、 對志工組織的建議 (一) 志工組織領導人應以轉型領導的「關懷啟發」為重點、再 以「激發鼓舞」及「魅力領導」方式來領導志工組織,俾有利於志工組織發展。 (二)採行「關懷啟發」及「魅力領導」的領導行為增進志工 知能,提高組織績效。 (三)運用「激發鼓舞」及「關懷啟發」的領導行為激勵士氣,俾能增進志工組織認同。 (四)善用「關懷啟發」的領導行為關懷與創新,以增進志工團隊的組織學習。 四、對未來相關研究的建議 (一)就研究主題而言:學校志工包含的層面甚廣,本研究僅探討國民小學之現況,而志工的相關面向仍有值得研究的層面。 (二)就研究架構而言:目前關於有效測量志工領導行為與志工組織發展之相關研究與觀察資料並不豐富,因此建構一套檢測志工領導行為與志工組織發展,了解發展過程及成效的評量指標實為一可研究的題材。 (三)就研究對象而言:若能進一步增廣取樣對象,擴及其他各縣市地區學校志工,則研究結果當更具有推論性,並使研究內容更為豐富與圓滿。 (四)就研究方法而言:本研究方法以問卷調查法為主,然而問卷調查易受填答者對研究主題不甚瞭解而影響填答結果,因此可增加質的研究,以實地觀察、深度訪談等方法,蒐集更深入的資料,兼容質量研究典範,以補問卷調查之不足。 (五)就研究結果而言:未來研究方面,宜多探討具有決定性的預測變項,並對有關的影響變項作控制,使研究結果能作更周延的推論,甚至作因果關係的探討。


Abstract The name of this study is “How school volunteer leading styles affect volunteer organizational development”. The purpose of this study is to realize present situations of elementary school volunteers and volunteer organizations in Taipei County, and brings up conclusions and suggestions in accordance of study results. To attain the purpose above, the questionnaire survey named “school volunteers leading styles and organizational development” were woven to implement questionnaire surveys and collect relative data. This study object is present employed volunteers in public elementary schools in Taipei County. This study uses layer sampling to collect data. The standard of the first layers is the nine educational areas that Taipei Education Bureaucracy drawn up. Then the standard of the second layer is the volunteer number in each school. In order to take the scale of each school into consideration, after referring the school number in each educational area and evaluating the volunteer numbers, random sampling is used. By the way, I appoint principals or consulting department deans to sample several volunteers randomly to be samples of this study. 417 questionnaire surveys are returned and the useable rate is 90.65%. Then statistic research ways like factor analysis, descriptive statistics, t testing, one way analysis of variance are used to analyze research data. Main founds are as follows: (1) Volunteers of public elementary schools in Taipei County give high praise to “charisma”, “inspirational” and “considerate stimulation” volunteer leading styles that they can aware, and they also give good evaluations to volunteer organization development. I. The performance of “charisma” and “inspirational” volunteer leading style is superior to “considerate stimulation” one. II. The performance of volunteer organization development in “organizational learning” and “organizational recognition” is better than “organizational performance”. (2) There are no significant differences in volunteer leading styles that different population background volunteers can aware. The eight variables to describe backgrounds are sex, age, education, serving year, religion, occupation, the serving hours at school and the position in present position. (3) There are no significant differences in volunteer organizational development that different population background volunteers can aware. The six variables to describe backgrounds are age, education, serving year, religion and occupation. However, there is significant difference for volunteers who serve different positions in volunteer organizational development that they can aware. The awareness of organizational performance and recognition of group leaders is higher than that of team leaders and general volunteers, and that of team leaders is higher general volunteers. (4) Most promotions of volunteer organizational developments result from the effects of volunteer leading styles. It is more beneficial to the organizational performance if “considerate stimulation” and “inspirational” leading styles are used. (5) Volunteer leading styles have predictions to volunteer organizational development. I. It is found that “considerate stimulation” and “inspirational” leading style have obvious predictions to steer volunteer organizational development. II. “Considerate stimulation” and “charisma” leading style have obvious predictions to volunteer organizational performance. III. “Inspirational” and “considerate stimulation” leading style have obvious predictions to volunteer organizational recognition. IV. “Considerate stimulation” leading style has obvious predictions to organizational learning. According to the study conclusions, several suggestions were made: (1) Suggestions to educational government authority: I. Emphasize on the human resource integration of school volunteers, and planning and use plans properly, II. Due to the formulation of volunteer serving law, plan long-term and systematic school volunteer system. III. Establish evaluation and reward systems and formulate school volunteer reward policies (2) Suggestions to school authority: I. From the study, we can realize that volunteer leading is becoming more and more important. As a result, we should put emphasis on the importance of volunteer organization leaders, and empower sufficiently. II. Emphasize on the training and promotion of volunteer leading skills to enhance effective leading styles of volunteer leaders. III. Admit serving value that school volunteers made, considerate volunteer members, promote the effectiveness of volunteer organizations. IV. Hold volunteer learning activities regularly, make volunteer educational training in practice and increase volunteer organizational recognition. (3) Suggestions to volunteer organizations: I. Volunteer organization leaders should emphasize on the “considerate stimulation” leading style of transformational leadership, then lead volunteer organization by “inspirational” and “charisma” leading styles, which is beneficial to volunteer organizational development. II. Take “considerate stimulation” and “charisma” leading styles to improve volunteer knowledge so that organizational performance is enhanced. III. Use “inspirational” and “considerate stimulation” leading styles to motivate volunteers. That will enhance volunteer organizational recognition. IV. Use “considerate stimulation” leading style to consider and innovate to enhance the organizational learning of volunteer teams. KEY WORDS:School volunteer. Leading style. Volunteer organization.


蔡進雄(民90)。轉型領導與互易領導對學校行政領導的啟示。 學校行政 雙月刊第11期 。


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