  • 學位論文


Research on Physical Fitness and Exercise Habits of Policemen -Taking Tao Yuan County and Hsin Ju County for Example-

指導教授 : 卓俊辰


中文摘要 警察人員體適能與運動習慣之研究 -以桃園縣、新竹縣為例- 研 究 生:吳台二 指導教授:卓俊辰 摘 要 本研究以桃園縣、新竹縣男性警察人員為受試對象,探討其體適能與運動習慣,參與檢測男性警察人員共計1758名,平均年齡33.8±6.3歲、平均身高171.9±4.3公分、平均體重73.5±9.8公斤。根據問卷調查、體適能檢測所得資料以SPSS 10.0統計軟體進行資料處理,進一步以獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及事後檢定等方式進行分析,獲得本研究結論如下: 一、桃園縣、新竹縣警察人員體適能方面,以全體受試者平均值與國內體適能常模比較,身體組成超過理想值有體重超重的趨勢,肌力與肌耐力、柔軟度屬於良好等級。桃園縣、新竹縣警察人員各項體適能經比較分析達顯著性差異(P<.05),在腰�臀圍比值方面,桃園縣高於新竹縣,桃園縣在肌力與肌耐力、柔軟度、心肺耐力表現優於新竹縣。桃園縣員警需注意體重控制與飲食習慣問題,新竹縣員警需加強肌力與肌耐力、柔軟度、心肺耐力等相關之體適能訓練。 二、不同工作職務警察人員體適能表現方面,以平均值比較,刑事警察在身體質量指數較高、行政警察在腰�臀圍比值較高,交通警察在瞬發力表現優於其他各組,保安警察在肌力與肌耐力、柔軟度、心肺耐力之表現優於其他各組。經事後比較分析後,有達顯著性差異(P<.05),行政警察在肌力與肌耐力表現方面比刑事、保安警察差。 三、警察人員運動習慣方面,有運動習慣者佔63.6﹪,選擇其他運動項目佔25.9﹪,其次為登山佔22﹪、游泳佔20.3﹪,每週運動次數以1次最多佔67.2﹪,每週運動時間以半小時最多佔77.9﹪。有、無運動習慣者各項體適能經比較後有達顯著性差異(P<.05),無運動習慣者在腰/臀圍比值高於有運動習慣者,在瞬發力優於有運動習慣者,有運動習慣者在柔軟度優於無運動習慣者。 本研究建議如下:行政、刑事警察應多加強相關之體適能訓練,警察人員從事運動時間明顯不足,需注意體重控制與飲食習慣方面的問題,應重視推動警察人員體適能在職教育,並加強宣導規律性運動習慣的培養。 關鍵詞:警察人員、體適能、運動習慣


警察人員 體適能 運動習慣


Research on Physical Fitness and Exercise Habits of Policemen -Taking Tao Yuan County and Hsin Ju County for Example- Master,s Thesis, 2003 Tai-erh Wu Advisor:Jiunn-chern Jwo Abstract This study was to investigate physical fitness and exercise habits of male policemen in Tao Yuan and Hsin Ju Counties. The study had 1758 subjects. The average age, height and weight were 33.8 ±6.3 years old, 171.9±4.3 cm, and 73.5±9.8 kilograms, respectively. According to the data gathered by questionnaires and physical fitness test, analyzed by SPSS statistic software, and by t-test of independent sample, one-factor variance analysis and afterward testing, this study concludes as follows: 1. From physical fitness test, the policemen of Tao Yuan and Hsin Ju Counties had the trend of overweight in body components. Muscle strength, muscular endurance and flexibility were at the “good” levels. The analysis had reach significantly different (P<.05). As to waist/hip ratio, it was higher for policemen in Tao Yuan county than those in Hsin Ju county. Policemen in Tao Yuan had better performance at muscle strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance than those in Hsin Ju as well. The policemen in Tao Yuan should pay more attention to their weight and eating habits. There is a need for policemen in Hsin Ju county to strengthen muscle strength, muscular endurance, and cardiovascular endurance. 2. According to physical fitness test on policemen of different duties, criminal policemen rated higher in body mass index; administrative policemen had higher waist/hip ratio; traffic policemen performed better at explosive power. Peace Preservation policemen had better muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance than other types of policemen. Analyzed by the afterward testing, there was statistically different (P<.05). The administrative police performed not as good as criminal and security policemen on muscle strength and muscular endurance. 3. As to exercise habits of the policemen, 63.6% of subjects had exercise habit, mostly 25.9% of subjects chose “others” category; 22% of subjects chose “mountain climbing” and 20.3% of subjects chose “swimming” as their exercise habit. 67.2% of subjects exercised once a week, and 77.9% of subjects exercised half an hour per week. The scale of physical fitness of policemen who had exercise habit and policemen who did not reached statistically different (P<.05). The policemen without exercise habit had higher waist/hip ratio, but had better explosive power than the policemen with exercise habit. However, policemen who had exercise habit had better flexibility than those of policemen who did have exercise habit. This study suggests as follows: Physical fitness training of the administrative and criminal policemen is needed. The lack of exercise is very obvious among policemen in both counties. There is a need for these policemen to develop regular exercise habits. Besides, they also need to pay more attention to their overweight issue and eating habits. Keyword: Policemen, Physical Fitness, Exercise Habits


Policemen, Physical Fitness, Exercise Habits




