  • 學位論文


An Investigation and Study on the Present Participation of Track and Field Athletics in Recreational Activities in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 張少熙


摘要 本研究主要目的,在於探討桃園縣中等學校田徑選手參與休閒活動之現況、分析休閒效益、瞭解休閒阻礙因素,並比較不同變項參與休閒活動之差異情形,以桃園縣境內參加九十二年中小學校聯合運動會之國中、高中田徑選手438位為研究對象。並以研究者自編之「桃園縣中等學校田徑選手參與休閒活動現況調查問卷」做為研究工具,根據實際調查資料以描述性統計、t考驗及單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行資料分析,並提出建議做為教練及選手的參考,研究結果發現: 一、桃園縣中等學校田徑選手最常參與之休閒活動項目,前五項依序為:聽音樂、休息、聊天、看電視(錄影帶、DVD)、電腦。 二、桃園縣中等學校田徑選手知覺休閒效益,前五項依序為:可以放鬆心情、可以維持健康體能、可以調整訓練後的身體狀況、可以讓自己更有活力、可以獲得與他人建立友誼的機會。 三、桃園縣中等學校田徑選手休閒阻礙因素,前五項依序為:事先預期人群太過擁擠休閒品質不佳、休閒環境噪音太高、場地設備不足、休閒場地沒有適當的指導人員、沒有多餘時間。 四、不同之性別、學校類別、訓練年資、比賽層級,對桃園縣中等學校田徑選手參與休閒活動現況、休閒效益及休閒阻礙因素,均呈現顯著差異。 關鍵詞:中等學校、田徑選手、休閒活動、休閒效益、休閒阻礙


Abstract This study aimed to discuss the different track and field athletics participation in leisure activities, to analyze its recreation effect in participating leisure activities, and to understand the elements of its constraints. Furthermore, the author wished to discuss what difference each of these factors may cause during their participation. The author focused his attention on the objects as “the Track and Field Athletics in Junior and Senior High Schools in Taoyuan County.” The author picked up one hundred athletics by stratified random sampling out of the target population, and adopted the author’s own editorial work “An Investigation and Questionnaire of the Track and Field Athletics in Taoyuan County on the Present Participation in Leisure Activities” as a reference. Through analyzing the distribution of population in each activities, the descriptive statistics, creditability in this study itself and the factors mentioned above, along with t-tests and one-way ANOVA, the author reached his conclusions hoping to offer useful suggestions for coaches and athletics. 1、High school athletics participate mostly in the following five recreation activities: listening to music, relaxing, chatting, watching TV(video tapes and DVD), playing computer. 2、Five major leisure effects from participating these activities were: offering relaxation, maintaining health and stamina, post-training body situations, refreshing vigor and also obtaining a chance to build friendship with others. 3、Five leisure constraints participating recreation activities were anticipating overcrowded population which results in poor quality of recreation, the noise during recreation activities, the lack of both recreation equipments, locations which also lack proper directors, and extra time. 4、Sexes, categories of schools, years of training, and levels of competitions did not show apparent differences in participating recreation activities, recreation effects, and leisure constraints of high school Track and Field athletics in Taoyuan County. Key Words:Senior High School、Track and Field athletics、 Recreation、Leisure effect、Leisure Constraints


