  • 學位論文


A Case Study of the Recreational Activities of Retired Teachers:Four Retired Teachers of National Taoyuan Agriculture & Industry Vocational High School(TYAI)

指導教授 : 張少熙 闕月清


本研究的目的在探討四位桃園農工退休教師,退休後之休閒活動參與現況(包括內容、方式、經濟能力、夥伴關係等)與規劃、活動之需求、成就經驗及困境處遇。本研究以質性的研究方法採用深度訪談、活動日誌、觀察紀錄三位桃園農工之退休男老師和一位女老師參與休閒活動之現況,經資料整理與分析結果,得到以下發現: 一、本研究發現四位退休教師參與休閒活動現況上,三位男性退休教師大多以休閒性運動為主,強調健康與體適能的活動是主要需求;而女性退休教師則以靜態的休閒活動為主要活動需求。 二、四位退休教師在經費使用及困境上皆未有參與活動的經濟壓力與活動的困境;唯女性退休教師會有家庭上的責任壓力。 三、四位退休教師先前皆未在休閒活動上有所規劃,但是三位男老師卻能延續退休前的休閒運動基礎,而且在活動上各有成就經驗。 本研究根據研究發現提出以下建議: 一、 退休教師雖有意願參與志願服務工作,但缺少資訊管道可利用,期待政府及社會福利機構給於資訊的提供。 二、 未作退休之休閒生涯規劃是四位退休教師的共同特色,但是也都希望政府及相關單位在退休前即給於生涯的輔導。 關鍵詞:退休教師、休閒運動、成就經驗


The purpose of this case study was to explore four retired teachers in TYAI, in terms of their current recreational activities including contents, methods, financial ability, and personal relationship, planning, needs, achievement experiences, and difficulties. This study used qualitative method design. The data was obtained by in-depth interviews, journals of daily activity, and observation of recreational activities of three male and one female retired teachers from TYAI. Major findings of this study were as follows: (1) The male participants devoted themselves being active in view of keeping healthy and fitness, while the female was dedicated to sedentary recreational activities. (2) None of the participants felt the stress of finance or any other problems of recreational activities, but the female participant felt the stress of responsibility to her family; (3) None of the participants had made plans for their retired life, but all of the three males had continued regular recreational activities before retirement and they enjoyed the achievement experiences. Based on the above results, the following suggestions were made: (1) Despite the fact that most retired teachers were interested in voluntary services, there was little information for them to get access to. Therefore, it is important for the government to provide essential information and related resources; (2) The common problem for all of the four retired teachers was that they didn’t have any career planning before they retired, especially for the recreational activities. The need to design a systematic career-planning course for the retired teachers is necessary. Key words: retired teachers, leisure life, achievement experience


