  • 學位論文

國中地理科電化教學資源的設計與應用--以透明投影片(T.P.)及簡報式課程軟體(Microsoft PowerPoint)之設計與教學為例

Design and Application of Audiovisual Geography Course for Junior High School -Sampled by Transparency and Microsoft PowerPoint Course Software

指導教授 : 周學政


國立師範大學地理系碩士論文摘要 研究所別:地理系教學碩士班 論文名稱:國中地理科電化教學資源的設計與應用—以透明投影片(T.P.)及簡報式課程軟體(Microsoft PowerPoint)之設計與教學為例 指導教授:周學政 學 生:蘇芳如 論 文:共分五章十六節,約六萬餘字 摘要 本研究運用透明投影片(T.P.)及簡報式軟體(PowerPoint)為工具,製作中國區域地理之山東省與內蒙古自治區等單元課程軟體,並以國二學生為對象進行教學實驗。 首先,以問卷、理論、及文獻等調查結果,確立研究構想與方法,其次就受測對象的代表性進行評價。結果認為,應先比較手繪T.P.版及PowerPoint簡易展示版的效果,再比較PowerPoint簡易展示版及特效展示版的效果。而受測學生經質量檢驗後,認定無基本差異,應可分為實驗組及對照組進行實驗。 而後,依循教學目標、設計原則、及製作程序,分別製作出四套課程軟體,製作過程中並附帶研究了軟硬體的最佳化條件: 1.山東省單元手繪T.P.版及PowerPoint簡易展示版 2.內蒙古自治區單元PowerPoint簡易展示版及特效展示版 在手繪T.P.版及PowerPoint簡易展示版的比較實驗中,於設計好教學過程後,即按表操課,實施對應的教學活動。課後透過素材與步驟比較、評量設計與結果分析,確認PowerPoint簡易展示版總體教學成效(課後評量、學生問卷)優於手繪T.P.版方式。 在PowerPoint簡易展示版及特效展示版的比較實驗中,同樣設計好教學過程後,按表操課,實施對應的教學活動。課後透過素材與步驟比較、評量設計與結果分析,確認PowerPoint特效展示版總體教學成效(課後評量、學生問卷)優於簡易展示版方式。 研究成果歸結如下: 1.指出了較佳的教學資源(T.P. vs. PowerPoint、簡易展示 vs. 特效 展示) 2.明確訂定教材製作方式及教學過程 3.提供了地理科軟硬體課程設計的最佳化條件(硬體需求、環境配置、 畫面效果) 4.具體完成特定單元(山東省、內蒙古自治區)的多套實用教材 最後,根據本研究結果,歸納出地理科PowerPoint課程軟體的設計模式,謹提供給教學先進們參考。 關鍵字:手繪T.P.、簡報式課程軟體、地理課程軟體


Abstract In this study, teaching materials for Regional Geography of China are presented through Transparency and Microsoft PowerPoint course software and tested through a number of experiments on the second graders in junior high school. Research structures and methods are built out of the results derived from questionnaires,theories and bibliography. Besides, usability of sampled students is also carefully evaluated. The results reveal that the comparison between Transparency and the concise version of Microsoft PowerPoint should be conducted earlier than that between of Microsoft PowerPoint’s concise version and its special effect version. There seem to be no major fundamental divergences among sampled students after inspection. Therefore the students might be divided into experimental groups and control groups for study. Afterwards, four sets of teaching materials are produced according to teaching targets,design rules,and production procedures: 1.Hand-written Transparency and the concise version of PowerPoint for the unit of Shandong province. 2.The concise version of PowerPoint and its special effects version for the unit of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. During the production process, optimization of software and hardware is made simultaneously. In the comparative experiment of hand-written Transparency and the concise version of PowerPoint, teaching activities proceed exactly according to the designed teaching procedures. The overall teaching effects of PowerPoint are superior to that of hand-written Transparency after the comparison between contents and procedures, the evaluation of design and the analysis of results. Research achievements are concluded as below: 1.Preferable teaching resource is shown clearly(the concise version of PowerPoint vs. hand-written Transparency、the special effect version of PowerPoint vs. the concise version). 2.Production procedures for teaching materials and teaching process are well defined. 3.Optimization of software and hardware is offered. 4.Specified practical teaching materials(the unit of Shandong province and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region)are accomplished. Finally, according to this research, design patterns for geography by means of PowerPoint are outlined, and could be helpful to colleagues and scholars in this area. Key Words:hand-written Transparency、PowerPoint、Geography course software


張程昭(2009)。Google Earth在國中區域地理教材的設計與應用---以中國地理為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315172431
