  • 學位論文


The Temporal-Spatial Development of the Spa Industry in Xinbeitou , Taipei

指導教授 : 鄭勝華


本文透過休閒與觀光遊憩理論,以新北投溫泉休閒產業的發展為例,探討其演變時期;相關遊憩活動的時空特性;主要遊憩者之行為模式與偏好;最後分析研究區溫泉休閒產業的經營成效和未來發展趨勢。 新北投溫泉區早在1894年即曾由德籍樟腦商Ohly興建俱樂部,日治時期發展出獨特的溫泉文化,享有歡樂鄉的盛名。光復後成為合法的風化區,由於色情和溫泉結合,曾創造地方的繁榮,但1979年北投廢娼,政府整頓色情,因為缺乏地方建設配合與輔導業者轉型,使得溫泉休閒產業發展受挫。1995年開始,社區居民結合專業人士的參與,配合政府的地區環境改造計畫,新北投溫泉區具備的豐富遊憩資源重新獲得重視,加上週休二日政策實施後,國人享受休閒的時日增加,溫泉休閒產業因需求而轉型,尤其在2003年溫泉法通過後,新北投的溫泉休閒產業更見榮景。 本研究依據R.W.Butler觀光遊憩區經營演化週期的概念,將新北投溫泉區觀光遊憩的演化時期分為五個階段,依序為試探期(1896年以前)、投入期(1896年∼1922年)、發展──鞏固期(1922年∼1979年)、停滯──衰退期(1979年∼1996年)和回春期(1996年迄今)。 新北投溫泉休閒產業的遊憩機能蓬勃,產業分布的面積約0.62平方公里,共擁有溫泉旅館26家,溫泉浴室8家,溫泉餐廳2家,俱樂部2家和國術館1家,提供區內泡溫泉及健身、養生等相關服務。 依據2002年10月至2003年2月,在本區對遊客進行的787份問卷調查,其結果分析如下:新北投溫泉區的遊客以18-65歲的青、壯年為主,多來自大台北地區,尤其是所在地北投區、及鄰近的士林區和台北縣淡水鎮為主,交通時間約一小時以內,捷運是主要交通工具。遊憩團體多以親朋好友結伴作半日遊,溫泉水質優良和環境乾淨衛生是遊客選擇泡溫泉地點的主要考慮因素。遊憩體驗後的評價多為正面的,故有意願重遊的遊客佔絕大多數。 新北投溫泉區未來發展的方向,依據多數遊客的建議,仍是繼續以休閒旅遊為主,然而,新北投溫泉和陽明山溫泉的客源重疊性高,區隔與陽明山溫泉的市場,是新北投溫泉區溫泉休閒產業未來發展必須面臨的重要課題。而區內未來發展趨勢依據遊憩者、公部門、社區組織的意見整合,本研究分述其重要方向如下:打造生活環境博物園區、強調青磺泉的獨特性、做好溫泉資源的保育與開發管理、開發新的遊憩景點、加強古蹟的管理與維護、社區組織加入生態旅遊事業、成立溫泉研究發展中心、改善停車問題、加強行銷、戶外景觀的美化、研發溫泉美食與地方名產、遊客行為規範管理、加強取締違法業者,和建立評鑑制度等。


Through the application of leisure and tourism theories and the illustration of Spa service developments, this paper not only discusses the temporal characteristics of touring activities and the patterns and preferences of spa users but also examines the management performance and the future prospects of Spa industry in Xinbeitou. The spa service in Xinbeitou began in the year of 1894, when Ohly who was a Germanic camphor merchant built a hot spring club here. Later in the Japanese reign, this area developed a unique spa culture (combined with the sex trade) and was thus given the name “Town for Bliss.” Later when the KMT recovered Taiwan, the legal status was granted to the sex industry in this area. Coupled with this distinct feature, the spa industry created the affluence of the town. But in 1979 the government removed the sex industry. Without any successive introduction of proper infrastructure and guidance, the town lost all its glamour. Since 1995, however, the government has proposed a new project to improve the local environment. The local community has captured the opportunity and sought the assistance of experts to reshape the recreational resources and attract new visitors created by the two-day weekend policy. As the number of consumers grows larger, the spa industry is also restructuring itself. In addition, the passage of the Spa Bill in 2003 was deemed as powerful fuel to propel the town towards prosperity again. In R.W. Butler’s famous article, “The Concept of Tourist Area Cycle of Evolution: Implications for Management of Resources”, he divided the development of tourist areas into five stages. On such basis, this paper adds some modifications and classifies the development of Xinbeitou resort into the following stages: exploration (before 1896), involvement (1896∼1922), development─consolidation (1922∼1979), stagnation─decline (1979∼1996), and rejuvenation (1996∼). Xinbeitou holds a great abundance of touring resources, and the industry area is approximately about 0.62 square kilometers. The touring resources include 26 hotels, 8 bathhouses, 2 restaurants, 2 clubs and 1 Chinese martial arts institute. All of which provide hot spring baths and spa-related services. From October 2002 to February 2003, I conducted a questionnaire survey among the visitors at Xinbeitou. The number of valid responses is 787. After a careful analysis, I have come to the following conclusions:The majority of visitors age between 18 and 65. Most of them come from the greater Taipei area, especially Beitou, Shilin, and Danshui. Taking the MRT is their major way of transportation and they spend less than an hour on travel. Tourists mostly journey here in company, and stay for half a day. Taking a hot spring bath is the major cause for the tour. As a result, the quality of the springs and the hygienic conditions of the bathhouses become the customers’ primary concerns in choosing where to enjoy the spa. The results of the survey also indicate that most visitors hold positive opinions about Xinbeitou resort, and are willing to tour back again. Moreover, most visitors reckon that leisure and travel activities are the future arena for the development of this area. Since Xinbeitou and Yangmingshan have long shared most of the bathers, finding the subtle difference and the marketing edge now becomes the major issue for the future development of spa industry in Xinbeitou. In this study, according to the interview with the visitors, the pubic sector, and the community organization, the suggestion of the future development of the spa industry in Xinbeitou will be as the followings: 1. Building an Eco-museum. 2. Advertising the merits of acid sulfate chloride spring, which is unique to Xinbeitou. 3. Ensuring the balance between the exploitation and conservation. 4. Creating new attractions. 5. Strengthening the preservation and management of historic monuments. 6. Inviting the local community to commit to the Eco-tourism business. 7. Establishing a research and development center for hot springs. 8. Solving the parking problem. 9. Intensifing the marketing. 10. Beautifying the landscape design. 11. Developing new hot-spring cuisine and local specialties. 12. Regulating the customers and banning illegal operations. 13. Setting up an evaluation system.


