  • 學位論文


A Benefits Study of Public Museum Contract Outsourcing in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李 瑛


本研究係透過文獻探討、問卷調查、專家訪談等研究方法,探討我國公立博物館業務委託經營管理之成效及其所面臨之問題,並透過量化調查及質性訪談,提出研究發現及結論建議,以提供其他公立博物館作為經營管理決策之參考。 本研究以「達成博物館設立之宗旨及功能任務」、「確保博物館應盡之社會公益責任」、「強化政府部門之決策及施政能力」、「提高民間廠商參與公共服務之意願及經營獲利之能力」四項研究指標,針對國立台灣科學教育館、國立海洋生物博物館、國立傳統藝術中心、台北當代藝術館之公私部門員工進行意見調查。另與台北二二八紀念館、國立台灣科學教育館、國立海洋生物博物館、國立傳統藝術中心、台北當代藝術館之公私部門經營決策者進行專家訪談。 量化調查結果有九項發現、質性研究結果有十五項發現,研究者亦針對公立博物館業務委外提出十項結論:(一)釐清核心專業、慎選委託範圍;(二)避免全盤移植、慎擇委外策略;(三)合理審慎評估、設計委託機制;(四)既策略又聯盟、妥處夥伴關係;(五)保留適當人力、落實監督管理;(六)預留因應機制,擬妥應變計畫;(七)公務資源釋出、避免行政干擾;(八)規範商業導向、兼顧經營空間;(九)培訓委外專業、建立諮詢機制;(十)契約知識管理、經驗有效傳承。 本研究針對公立博物館經營管理亦提出十項建議為:(一)重視學術養成教育,提昇全民文化素養;(二)在職人員培訓進修,提昇核心專業能力;(三)廣泛扶植民間團體,營造專業市場機制;(四)策略聯盟積極整合,擴大資源共享理念;(五)設立專責主管機關,儘速研訂專業法規;(六)善用社會資源參與,提昇自主經營能力;(七)預算財務管理鬆綁,創新文化創意產業;(八)人事晉用管理鬆綁,靈活引進多元專業;(九)發展數位博物館,終身學習無障礙;(十)運用科技簡化流程,提升為民服務效能。 研究者認為政府應檢討現行博物館業務委外或行政法人等政策之背後精神,將其真諦直接運用在博物館業務之監督管理上,授與各博物館將其「博物館教育功能之遂行」、「服務品質之提昇」及「民眾之最大利益」視同「鐘擺理論」之中心吸引子,在鐘擺之最大擺蕩空間範圍內,亦即政府部門介入程度之兩極範圍內,授權由負擔成敗責任之各博物館館長,自主決定其經營管理模式,政府主管部門僅需監督其經營績效,而非過度介入行政運作程序。


This research explores, through the review of available material, questionnaires and interviews with experts, the effect and problems of the management outsourcing currently being undertaken by the National Museums in Taiwan. The conclusions will be of use to any other National Museums facing the same issues with respect to its management. The goal of this research is under four research indexes: I) To consider the purpose, function and mission of establishing a museum, II) Ensure the social obligation and public welfare of the museum, III) To strengthen the government department decisions and ability to execute, IV) To enhance corporate will to join public service and ability to run them profitably. The researcher have designed and undertaken a questionnaire for the employees within the National Taiwan Science Education Center, the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium, the National Center for Traditional Arts, and the Museum of Contemporary Arts in Taipei. In addition, this research interviewed the policy makers of public and private sectors within the National Taiwan Science Education Center, the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium, the National Center for Traditional Arts, the Museum of Contemporary Arts in Taipei, and the Taipei 228 Memorial Museum. There are 9 key discoveries from the questionnaire, and another 15 discoveries resulting from the interviewed research. This research provides 10 pieces of advise to public museums considering outsourcing: i) Define the scope of the outsourcing with a clear mission, ii) Avoid wholesale transplantation of management from another public service, iii) Carefully design the outsourcing model, iv) Employ tactics to build the partner relationship with private sector, v) Keep certain resources to maintain oversight, vi) Maintain a back up plan if the outsourcing fails, vii) The government shouldn’t meddle with the new administration, viii) Provide a strategy and direction for the private sectors, ix) Build a professional internal capability to manage all aspects of the outsourcing process, x) Internalize the experience on contract outsourcing through knowledge management. There are 10 recommendations to the management of public museums: I) Emphasize the academic aspects to develop the general public’s cultural capacity, II) Employees should be trained to lift their professional standards, III) The government should encourage and regulate private sectors to offer outsourcing services, IV) Government must encourage the sharing of resources, V) Regulations of the outsourcing should be handled by specialized government departments, VI) Use the social resources to improve management abilities, VII) Loosen the budget and financial management to creative cultural properties, VIII) Government must be nimble and agile with their human resources to create a diversified set of professional skills, IX) Develop digital museums, X) Use information technologies to improve the efficiency of the public services. Review the outsourcing management and administration and cooperation policy. The government should avoid corrupt bureaucratic involvement and use flexible manpower. The cost system needs to be loosened. Customer service needs to be emphasized and museums need to be managed more akin to businesses – less bureaucratic and more professional with more self-governance to develop creative management. Outsourcing and privatization are not only solutions to improve the quality and efficiency of museum services. The researcher expects the government could take the opinion of “open administration.” As a result, they can authorize every museum to put its function of education into practice, increase the quality of service and make the best benefits for the public. Just like the attractors of “Bell Curve” theory’s, the government should authorize to those curators being in charge of museums between the biggest spaces. Let those curators can decide how to operate museums by themselves and the government only needs to supervise their achievements but not to over step in their administration.


Public Museum Contract Outsourcing OT




曾希文(2006)。體檢台灣博物館公辦民營 史前館 當代藝術館 海生館〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2006.01707
