  • 學位論文


A study on the experiential learning of the childcare providers training~Feminist perspectives

指導教授 : 陳雪雲


學習社會的來臨,各種證照考前的學分班林立,保母訓練班即是其中一例。本研究旨在從女性主義的觀點,分析保母訓練班學員的經驗學習。研究目的有三:1、瞭解保母訓練班學員對「保母」的認知樣態,並分析不同社會位置(如性別、職業、教育背景、婚姻等)之學員,其認知樣態是否有差異。2、瞭解保母訓練班學員的學習動機及課室的學習互動歷程,並分析其學習特性。3、根據學員經驗學習的反思與內涵,建議有關單位作為辦理保母訓練班課程教學應用之參考。研究過程係採用質化研究取向的個案研究方法,以「桃園縣保母協會」辦理的第十二期「保母訓練班」作為研究場域,資料收集的方法,主要是以訪談法為主,共立意選取六位學員作為訪談個案,並輔以參與觀察法及文件分析等方法,作為資料的檢核。 根據研究,有以下發現: 一、學員對保母的認知樣態為對保保母特質的認知及對保母工作的認知。 二、參與動機主要是為考取證照的工具導向動機及為增加育兒知識與認識朋友。 三、就課程知識內容分析,可分為理論性知識及實作性知識;在理論知識的學習方面,呈現接收式學習策略;在實作知識的學習方面,呈現退卻的學習方式。 四、學員視教師為亦師亦友或是尊敬景仰的師生關係,認同老師紮根於經驗的敘說方式及展演的教學策略;同儕關係受到時間剝奪,但具有空間接近性,關係是工具目的導向。 五、在生活延續方面,學習對其工作產生助益,如提昇養育知識,因應家長考驗、懂得爭取自我權益或是看到創業的可能性;對家庭的助益,如反思教養觀念、改善親子關係或是傳授教養知識給其他人。 結論部分與女性主義的認知方式作一對話,並從六位學員之間的學習差異,與後結構女性主義的理論呼應。最後,根據研究結果,從女性主義的觀點提出課程建議,作為有關單位辦理的參考並對未來的研究對象、方法等作一建議。


The comings of the learning society, various kinds of the credit classes of vocational certificates are everywhere. The childcare provider training is one of those. The purpose of this paper is on the point of feminism, to analyze the experiental learning of childcare providers. Three purposes are as follows: 1.To explore the cognition of what learners have, as been a childcare provider, furthermore, to explore the differences among the learners with different social position (such as sex, job, education, marriage, etc.). 2. To explore the motivations of learners, and the interaction in class. Further discuss the learning characters with the learners. 3. According to the reflection of learners, make suggestions to the childcare provider training centers. Based on the case study of qualitative research, a multi-method design is adopted. Combine with in-depth interview, participant-observation, and documentary analysis for data collected and for triangulation. Six learners were selected from the learning program. And selected the ‘’Taoyuan childcare provider association’’ for study field. According to the study, the findings are as follows: 1.As been a childcare provider, the cognitions of the learners are on the job and on the trait of been a provider. 2.The main motivation for learners is for license. It is instrument-directed. The others for increasing knowledge, and for meet friends. 3.The content of the courses can be divided into theory knowledge and practice knowledge. The received knowledge pattern is found in the theory courses; while the withdraw pattern is found in the practice courses. 4.The relationship between teachers and students, just like friends, while someone respected and admired. The students identify teachers with narrative, contrast to their experiences, and identify with the performance. The peer relation is deprived by time, but the feeling of space is closed. It is instrument-directed in peer group. 5.The application into the lives, learning is helpful to their jobs. Such as promoting knowledge, challenge for parents, strive themselves for self-rights, and to see the future of themselves. There is also benefit to their family. Such as take a reflection on educating, improve the family relationship, or preach knowledge to the others. In conclusion, there’s a dialogue to the ways of women’s knowing, and to the theory of poststructural feminism. Finally, according to findings, make suggestions to the childcare providers training center, and for further study.




