  • 學位論文

已婚婦女之子女價值.理想子女數 與性別偏好---世代觀點之比較分析

Married Women's Value of Children, Ideal Number of Children, Gender Preference---Analyses of Viewpoint among Different

指導教授 : 林如萍


本研究旨在由婦女觀點探討其對於子女價值、理想子女數與性別偏好的看法,分析世代觀點之差異,以了解不同世代之婦女在觀點上之異同,探討不同個人及家庭因素是否造成子女價值之差異,並分析個人及家庭因素對子女價值所產生的影響。 本研究針對花蓮地區453位已婚婦女(排除離婚與原住民婦女)進行問卷調查,將樣本之年齡區分為三個世代-34歲及以下、35~50歲、50歲以上。將調查所得之資料以平均數、標準差、百分比、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、薛費事後比較、卡方檢定、皮爾遜積差相關、點二系列相關及多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法加以分析。 主要結論如下列所述: 1.三個世代的婦女在子女價值及理想子女數有極顯著的差異、在性別偏好有顯著的差異,生養子女最能滿足50歲以上世代婦女的價值感,且此世代的婦女理想子女數目較多,並傾向至少生育一個男孩。 2.閩南籍婦女與外省籍婦女,在性別偏好上有所差異,閩南籍婦女較傾向至少生育一個男孩。 3.婦女的宗教信仰不同,其理想子女數與性別偏好會有顯著的差異,信仰道教及佛教婦女的理想子女數顯著高於無宗教信仰婦女。另外有宗教信仰婦女的性別偏好顯著高於無宗教信仰的婦女,較傾向至少生育一個男孩。 4.已婚婦女家庭社經地位的不同,其子女價值有極顯著的差異、理想子女數及性別偏好上有顯著的差異,生養子女較能滿足低社經地位婦女之價值感且其理想子女數顯著較高,並且比高社經地位家庭之婦女傾向至少生育一個男孩。 5.婦女之子女價值、理想子女數及性別偏好不會因先生籍貫不同、先生是否為獨子而有所差異,即生養子女對婦女價值感之滿足不會因先生籍貫不同、先生是否為獨子而有所差異,且婦女之理想子女數與生育男孩之偏好也無差異。 6.婦女是否與公婆同住,其子女價值有所差異、性別偏好有顯著的差異,與公婆同住之婦女,生養子女較能滿足其價值感,並傾向至少生育一個男孩。 7. 對兒子之孝道責任規範期待、年齡、家庭社經地位三項可預測婦女之子女價值。 關鍵字:已婚婦女、世代、子女價值、理想子女數、性別偏好。


The purpose of this study is to explore the value and viewpoints of the married women of three different generations toward the value of children, ideal number of children, and gender preference and to explore the differences toward the preceding issues in the different generations of married women so as to explore and understand whether or not various personal and family factors cause the differences the value of children, ideal number of children and gender preference.The study samples consist of 453 married women in Hualien (the divorcee, and aboriginals are excluded). The three generations are the women below 35, 35-50 and above 50 years old. A questionnaire was adopted and administered for this study in order to gather the study data. The data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics, including mean and standard deviation, percentage, T-test, One-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s posterior comparison, Chi-squire test, Pearson’s product-mount correlation, point-biserial correlation and multiple stepwise regression analysis. The followings are the main conclusion: 1. The women of three generations have extremely siginigicant differences in value of children and ideal number of children, and siginigicant difference in gender preference. Rearing children can most satisfy the value of above 50 years old women in generation, the generation’s ideal number of children more than others, and they are inclined to bear at least a boy. 2. Variant father’s native place cause the difference in women’s gender preference. 3. Variant religious beliefs cause the significant differences in women’s ideal number of children and gender preference. The Buddhist and Taoist Women’s ideal number of children are more than that of Atheist, and religious women are inclined to bear at least a boy . 4. Variant social economic status (SES) of families cause the extremely significant difference in women’s value of children, significant differences in ideal number of children and gender preference. Rearing children can most satisfy women who are in low social economic status of family, and they have more ideal number of children, they are inclined to bear at least a boy than those who are in high social economic status of family. 5. Variant husband’s native place and if husband is the only son of husband’s parents can’t cause the differences in women’s value of children, ideal number of children and gender preference. 6.If women live with husband’s parents can cause the difference in women’s value of children and significant differences in gender preference. Rearing children can most satisfy the value of the women who live with husband’s parents, and they are inclined to bear at least a boy. 7.The variable with the most convincing regression to the value of children showed successively: filial piety norm expectance for the son’s role, age, social economic status of family. Key Words:Married women, Generation, Value of Children, Ideal Number of Children, Gender Preference.


李美玲編 (1994)。台灣地區家庭計畫與生育保健狀況調查報告。


