  • 學位論文


The Effects of Superficial and Structure Feature Matches on the Story Reminding Performance of Students at Different Ages

指導教授 : 蘇宜芬


本研究的主要目的在探討類比故事的表面特徵與結構特徵對於故事回想表現的影響,以及不同年齡層的學生在類比故事的回想表現上,受故事表面特徵與結構特徵的影響是否有所不同。 實驗一為重覆驗證Catrambone(2002)的類比故事研究,研究對象為120名大學生,目的在探討Catrambone的研究發現,在台灣大學生閱讀中文類比故事的情境中是否會重覆發生。實驗二主要討論不同年齡層的學生,在類比故事的回想表現上受到故事表面特徵與結構特徵的影響是否有所不同,研究對象為129名大學生,136名國二學生,132名國小六年級學生以及130名國小四年級學生。所得的資料以獨立樣本變異數分析法驗證假設。研究結果顯示: 一、類比故事表面特徵與結構特徵符合的程度對故事回想表現有影響,當類比故事的表面特徵或結構特徵符合的程度越高時,受試者的回想表現越佳,表面特徵與結構特徵二者並沒有交互作用。 二、類比表現有發展上的差異。國小四年級學童的故事回想表現與其他年齡層學生有顯著不同,小學四年級的故事回想表現比起其他年齡層都較差,大學生在閱讀各故事版本的回想表現比起其他年齡層都較佳,隨著年齡越大,學生的故事回想得分有越高的趨勢。 三、不同年齡組的學生受詞彙符合數與結構符合數所影響的故事回想比率組型也有所不同。其中大學生對於詞彙符合量與結構符合量的反應最敏銳。國中二年級學生的反應組型與大學生相似,但是不若大學生分化的那麼清楚。至於國小六年級與四年級學生對詞彙符合量與結構符合量反應的分化程度,則比大學生與國二生更低。


Abstract The main purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of superficial feature and structure feature matches of analogical stories on students’ story reminding performance, and whether the effects are different with age. The purpose of Experiment 1, is to examine if the findings of Catrambone's(2002) research will be found in Taiwan college students while they read Chinese analogical stories. The purpose of Experiment 2 is to investigate if the effects of superficial and structure feature matches on story reminding performance will change with different age groups. The data obtained are analyzed by ANOVA. The findings are as follows: 1. The result suggested that both surface feature and structure feature may influence story reminding performance. The better the two features matched, the better the story reminding performance. There was no interaction between the two factors. 2.The effects of surface feature and structural feature matches on story reminding performance changed with age. There was a significant difference between the performance of fourth graders in elementary school and that of other age groups. The performance of college students was better than that of other age groups in all conditions. The performance of story reminding improved with the increase of age. 3. The reminding patterns of different age groups were different. College students showed the strongest response to entity match and structure match. College students and second graders in junior high school showed similar story reminding patterns, but the response differentiation of junior high school students were not as clear as that of college students. The sixth and fourth graders in elementary school showed much less clear differentiation of entity match and structure match response than college students and junior high school students did.




