  • 學位論文

米歇爾•孟登(Michel de Montaigne)之道德思想及其德育意涵

Michel de Montaigne's view on morality and its implication for moral education

指導教授 : 歐陽教


本研究旨在探究米歇爾•孟登(Michel de Montaigne)之道德思想及其德育意涵。研究結果摘述如下: 1. Montaigne視自然為美德的根源與人類的引導。一但有自然此一先驗的引導於心中,個人便能不藉外力地過著道德的生活。 2. Montaigne視自由為惡的來由及自然與人為間之無法化解的衝突的原因。然而,在Montaigne的美德觀中,美德需惡作為其對立面方能生成,且美德需內含自願性方具價值。因此,自由亦予美德以時機與意義。 3. Montaigne認為美德是個人心靈自衝突走向和諧的關鍵所在,因其自衝突而生卻也孕育了和諧。 4. Montaigne的道德思想能回答諸如「為什麼我應該遵守道德?」、「道德是相對的或絕對的?」以及「人在兩難情境下的最終底限為何?」等等的問題,吾人可據其答案提供學生有助於道德地思考與行動的模式。 5. Montaigne提供了一相信人性本善、崇尚自然引導、重視衝突作用、承認缺憾存在的立場予教師,教師可據此立場建構於道德教育有所助益之教學方針。


The purpose of this study is to explore Michel de Montaigne’s view on morality and its implication for moral education. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. Montaigne regards Nature as the origin of virtue and the guide of human beings. With this congenital guide in self, one could lead a moral life without external factors. 2. Montaigne regards freedom as the source of vice and the reason of the unsolvable conflict between nature and artificialness. However, freedom also brings chances and meanings to virtue, which is an important turning point from conflict to harmony.
