  • 學位論文


A Study on the Role and Functioning of a Liaison Between the Bureau of Education of a County/City Government and its Council

指導教授 : 王麗雲


摘 要 本研究旨在了解依目前的地方政治生態,縣市政府教育局府會聯絡人設置的重要性與現況,藉此探討府會聯絡人的工作內容、扮演的角色、運作現況、運作策略與遭遇困境,俾能提供縣市政府教育局建構完整府會聯絡機制的參考,以利地方教育之推行。 依研究目的,經由訪談與問卷調查,共獲得八點結論: 一、縣市政府教育局府會聯絡人的設置有其重要性,同時府會聯絡人對 促進府會間的關係扮演著重要的角色。 二、目前各縣市教育局府會聯絡人的設置方式主要是採「專人兼任」方 式設置;在兼任者之性別方面,以「男性」佔絕大多數。 三、府會聯絡人的主要工作內容共有八大類,其中以「質詢現場協助與 資料蒐集」最為重要且作份量最多;而以「預算之維護」的困難度 最高。 四、府會聯絡人可扮演訊息傳遞者、溝通協調者、緩衝潤滑者、政策行 銷者、參謀與智囊以及服務者等角色。 五、縣市議員對於有關教育局的請託案件,找尋協助處理的對象中,最 多者為直接先找局長協助,其次為找府會聯絡人協助。 六、府會聯絡人在應對議員囑託事項處理時之策略運用上,其積極作為 是「議員囑託的事項不能達成時,應主動誠懇的向議員說明原因」 ;而在應對議會質詢或預算與法案審查時,最好的策略運用是「在 議會開議前,與局長先行私下拜訪議員,了解議員意見,展現誠意 與尊重」;另外在與議員私下互動時,最好的策略運用則是「府會 聯絡人本身可利用場合,對其選民讚揚議員問政的表現與對教育的 關心」。。 七、有關縣市政府教育局府會聯絡人的特質,可從外在條件、人格特質 、工作心態、工作技巧與專業能力來考量。 八、教育局各項職務兼任府會聯絡人的理想人選為副局長、課長、專員 及督學,其中以「副局長」兼任最為理想。 依據以上結論,提出十六項建議,供往後各縣市政府教育局繼續推動府會聯絡工作參考。


Abstract The purpose of this study is to find out, in the present ecology of local politics in Taiwan, how important it is to appoint a liaison between the bureau of education of a county/city government and its council as well as how such liaisons operate currently. By addressing such issues as the functions of a liaison, his roles, his current operations, his operation strategies and his difficulties, this study hopes to provide some information for the bureau of education of a county/city government to refer to when establishing a complete liaison mechanism between the county/city government and its council so as to facilitate the implementation of local education. According to the purpose of this study, interviews and surveys have been conducted. From them, altogether the following eight conclusions are drawn: 1.It is important to appoint a liaison between the bureau of education of a county/city government and its council. Besides, this liaison plays a significant role in promoting the relationship between the county/city government and the council. 2.At present, in most cases, the bureau of education of a county/city government will appoint a particular official in the bureau to hold the concurrent post of liaison between the council and itself. And the vast majority of such liaisons are male. 3.This liaison has the following eight main functions. Among them, the most important function, which also brings a liaison the heaviest workload, is to assist the director when he (she) is being interpellated at the council and help gather information. The most difficult function is to maintain the budget. 4.A liaison may play many different roles, including messenger, communicator, coordinator, buffer, lubricant, policy-marketer, adviser and servant. 5.When a county or city councilor has cases which have been submitted by his (her) constituency and which are related to the bureau of education, the number one person that the councilor will go to and seek help from is the director and the number two person is the liaison. 6.In dealing with the cases entrusted by councilors, the liaison adopts certain strategies. Moreover, when the matter entrusted by a councilor cannot be accomplished, the liaison should take the initiative to sincerely explain the reasons to the councilor. When a liaison is about to face interpellation or review of budgets and bills at the council, the best strategy for him to adopt is that, before the council’s session starts, he and the director should visit the councilors privately in order to know the councilors’ opinions and to show their sincerity and respect. In personal interactions with a councilor, the best strategy a liaison can adopt is that he himself may make use of proper occasions to praise this councilor in the presence of his (her) constituency about how well he (she) has been supervising the government and about how much concern he (she) has shown about education. 7.Concerning the qualifications of a liaison, the following factors can be taken into consideration: appearance, character, attitude towards work, skills and expertise. 8.Among all the officials in the bureau of education, the ideal persons to hold the concurrent post of liaison are the deputy director, a section chief, a specialist, and a schools’ supervisor. Among them, the deputy director is still the best choice. According to the above-mentioned conclusions, the sixteen suggestions are made for the bureaus of education of all county/city governments to refer to when they continue to improve the linking between the county/city government and the council in future.


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