  • 學位論文


My hut I built in the midst of men , but serenity keeps my mind and my hut remote-with the symbolization of the birds as the pursuing of nature and freedom of the modern people.

指導教授 : 梁秀中


本研究的出發點是一個現代人對工業文明的反思,藉著鳥類在現代城市中的棲息比喻人的處境,希望透過鳥與環境的關係,表現人的心靈在回歸自然與追求自由的渴望,就在人境、自然、心靈三者之間往復徘徊的過程裡,現代人的矛盾與複雜不言而喻,自由的意義也得到了深刻的體驗。 第一章緒論,說明研究動機、研究範圍、研究方法與步驟、名詞解釋,客觀地呈現本研究的環境與人為條件,供讀者參考審思。 第二章現代花鳥畫的意義,是筆者長期以來對於創作媒材思考沈澱的心得,雖看似與標題無甚關連,但在這解構的時代裡,一切固有價值一再地被剝離、被懷疑,促使我深入的探討水墨畫與花鳥畫的意義,而我也認為是一個很好的機會,追根究柢,重新認識自己的文化蘊底之後,面對西潮的衝擊才有可能站穩腳跟,甚至予以反擊。 第三章創作的題材與形式,將創作的內容自我分析,說明採用題材的緣故,以及代表的意義。然後分享創作形式的研究,說明筆者嘗試水墨現代化的概況。 第四章創作理念與實踐,先將個人的創作理念交代清楚,詳細說明創作過程與技法表現,從資料蒐集、創作實踐、媒材、技法予以分析,回到創作人的本分,在實際創作上努力耕耘。 第五章作品說明,挑選創作系列中的一些代表作品說明分析,做為前述內容的驗證。 第六章,總結創作心得感想,並自我檢討,然後提出自己在藝術創作的期許。


筆墨 現代藝術 寫意


The purpose of this study is a reflection of the living situation of the modern industrial world and the mental confliction existing in the mind of the modern people. The birds and the rest of the bird in the painting is a symbolization of humans’ mental state, by way of depicting the living environment of the modern bird, the researcher attempts to ponder over and reveal the difficult conflict spiritual problem modern people face in their daily life. In the first chapter, through the study of the traditional Chinese culture and some reference of other studies, the researcher tries to show the living environment situation of the modern industry society and the possible mental conflict problem in the mind of modern people. The researcher is interested and deeply concerns about the role and the true meaning of the traditional Chinese Ink-painting and the bird-flowers painting in the modern world. Nowadays, under the popular philosophy of destructing the old and traditional value, some people even suspect the meaning and development of the modern Chinese Ink-painting and the bird-flowers painting. In the second and three chapters, after reviewing the contribution the Chinese traditional culture and paintings may offer to the conflicting mental state of the modern people, the researcher intended to combine the traditional painting skills with modern living problem to explore and extend the possibility of modernization the Chinese Ink-painting and the bird-flowers painting. In the last two chapters, the researcher choices some of his own paintings as example to show his effort in the thinking and modernization of the Chinese Ink-painting and the bird-flowers painting, the researcher looks forward to analyze his own painting process with a critical and self-examination approach. In the end, the researcher summarizes the study and gives some expectations to his own future effort.


pen and ink Modern Art freehand brushwork


2.大智浩(Hiroshi Ohchi)著,王秀雄 譯。《美術設計的基礎》。(1996年)。版24。台北:大陸書店。
