  • 學位論文


Happy Together: A Case Study on the Leisure Context Influencing the Formation of Homosexual Identity

指導教授 : 顏妙桂


當我們同在一起-休閒場域對男同志認同構成之個案研究 摘要 本研究旨在探究休閒場域對男同志認同構成的影響,分析同志社團在建構休閒場域,提供休閒活動的過程中,社員感受到的休閒經驗對同志身分認同之影響。以同志團體-「Group」為例說明,根據Caldwell休閒理論的分析架構作為本研究的敘述主軸。 本研究採質性研究,以半結構式的問題,深入訪談八位社團成員的休閒機驗,並採用參與觀察法,藉著參與觀察得到更豐富的資料。研究結果如下: 1. 建立真實的交友平台:本研究團體創造自由的同志空間,構築真實面對面的交友平台,讓社員有更多的機會與友伴從事休閒活動。 2. 建構社會支持網絡:本研究團體建構互相支持與分享的社群,滿足社員交友的渴望,放鬆、展現真實的自己,且獲得抵抗外界歧視與壓迫的力量。 3. 以休閒為途徑,試圖扭轉社會觀感:本研究團體提供多樣化的社團活動,突破異性戀社會對同志休閒活動刻板印象的限制,以實際行動開創健康、清新的社團形象,說明休閒具有扭轉社會價值觀的作用。 4. 重新論述同志形象:本研究團體以名人講座的方式提供教育管道,重塑正面的同志形象,有助於社員建立正面認同,對其身分的認同更為強化。 關鍵字:同志、同志社團、休閒場域、休閒活動、休閒經驗、認同。


Happy Together: A Case Study on the Leisure Context Influencing the Formation of Homosexual Identity Abstract The purpose of this research was to probe into the gay community, analyzing how leisure contexts and leisure experiences influenced the formation of homosexual identity on the process of the activities. Based on the framework proposed by Caldwell(2005), the researcher took the “ Group“ as the case. This study was preceded with qualitative research method by in-depth interviewing eight members of “Group” with semi-structured questions about their leisure experience, and data were also collected by participant observation. The conclusions of the study are as follows: 1. Building a realistic platform to make friends: “Group “ has created a friendly surrounding for gays, offering face-to-face opportunity to make friends, and participate leisure activities together. 2. Constructing a social support network: “Group “ has constructed a community in which the members support and share with each other. It satisfies the needs of the members to make friends, relax, express themselves and obtain energy to resist discrimination and oppression in society. 3. Attempting to change the stereotyped values imposed on gays by means of leisure activities: “Group “ has offered a variety of activities, breaking the stereotyped impression on gays’ leisure activities. They manage to establish a healthy and fresh image of the group, proving that leisure activities can make a difference. 4. Re-establishing homosexual image: “Group “ has invited famous persons to give talks to inspire the participants to re-establish a positive role model and strengthen their homosexual identity. Key words: Gay, Gay community, Leisure context, Leisure activity, Leisure experience, Identity.


楊長苓、柏蘭芝、吳金鏞(譯)(2002)。M. Castells著。父權家庭之終結:資訊年代的 社會運動、家庭與性。載於夏鑄九等(譯),認同的力量(The power of identity)(頁134-266)。台北:唐山。


