  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 張正芬教授


本研究目的在於探討國小一年級亞斯柏格症學生與同儕在不同情境會話時,會話話題與會話組織之表現;透過會話分析,比較四名亞斯柏格症學生分別與同儕在遊戲情境、點心情境和下課情境的會話,結果發現情境影響AS學生會話話題表現。其他發現包括有: 一、情境影響AS學生和同儕的話題與話題發展。 二、AS學生和同儕的話題多與當下情境話題相關。 三、相較於對照組學生,AS學生話題開啟次數較多,回應次數較少,七成至九成能立即掌握話題回應,話題開啟目的多與自我的想望有關,有話題開啟怪異的現象。 四、話題持續方面,AS學生違反會話之質的原則、量的原則、相關原則和行為方式的情形高於對照組學生。 五、AS學生和對照組學生多屬於自然遷移類型,類型集中於「遷移至與先前完全無關的新話題」、「遷移至同上個主話題下的次話題」、「遷移至先前出現的主話題」三類。 六、AS學生和同儕話題結束情形多為彼此同意結果,但是,三成以上屬於不良的話題結束狀況。 研究者依據上述之結果進行討論,並提出建議。


This thesis aims to explore the conversation performance of four 1st grade Asperger students and regular students in three different linguistic contexts. Under the contexts of playing games, having snacks and doing activities after class, the researcher analyzed the conversation corpora from these four students and found that contexts significantly influenced the performance of conversation topics and the conversation organization for the Asperger students, but not for the regular students. The detailed results can be shown as follows: 1.The linguistic contexts influence the conversation topics and topic development of the two groups of subjects. 2.The conversation topics chosen by the Asperger students to discuss with the regular students are basically related to the current contexts. 3.Compared with the control group, the frequency for the Asperger students to initiate new topics is higher, whereas the frequency for the group to respond to topics is much lower. The Asperger students can correctly respond to 70%-90% topics from the control group. The intentions for the Asperger students to initiate topics bear on their personal desires, but there is oddity in starting topics. 4.As for the maxim of quantity, the maxim of quality, the maxim of relevance and the maxim of manner, the experimental group disobeys the four maxims more frequently than the control group. 5.Both the Asperger and regular students are able to shift their conversation topics naturally. The types of shifting topics can be divided into three categories—“shifting to a new topic”, “shifting to the last main topic immediately” and “shifting to the previous main topic”. 6.In most cases, the Asperger students are able to end topics with their regular students agreeably, but about 30% of the situations seem to be “negative” when the topics are ended.


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