  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 王仕茹


目前國內新聞媒體產業的競爭十分激烈,在微利時代的情形下,新聞媒體使用既有的新聞品牌名稱進行品牌延伸策略來增加營收的情形日益增多,但扮演社會公器角色的新聞媒體又與一般單純的消費商品不同,因此在進行品牌延伸策略時應有更為特殊的考量。此外,以往在新聞媒體產業與品牌延伸相關的研究多以探討新聞媒體集團多角化策略為主,因此本研究以品牌延伸理論來探討消費者對新聞媒體品牌延伸產品的評價,企圖彌補在新聞媒體產業中品牌延伸相關學術研究的不足,並給予欲進行品牌延伸的新聞傳播媒體一些實務上的建議。 本研究以實驗法的方式進行,自變項為產品相似性(高/低)、品牌寬度(窄/寬)、新聞品牌強度(強/弱),應變項則為消費者對新聞品牌延伸產品的整體評價。研究結果發現,在新聞品牌強度方面,與品牌強度文獻具有一致的結果,即強勢新聞品牌比弱勢的新聞品牌具有較具有進行品牌延伸的能力。然而,與品牌延伸相關研究不同的結論為產品相似性和新聞媒體集團既有的品牌寬度不會影響消費者對於新聞品牌延伸產品的評價,且產品相似性與品牌寬度之間並未出現顯著的交互作用。 根據上述研究結果,本研究的實務建議為由於新聞媒體品牌屬於聲望性品牌,因此不論新聞媒體集團的品牌寬度為何,新聞媒體品牌皆具有發展與新聞媒體具有高相似性或是低相似性的新聞品牌延伸產品的潛力,而在選擇低相似性的新聞品牌延伸產品時,應挑選與新聞媒體共享類似的文化服務概念的產品。另外,強勢新聞媒體品牌可善用品牌強度的優勢進行品牌延伸,而弱勢的新聞品牌則應致力於提昇新聞內容品質及自身的正面品牌形象,這將有助於提高消費者對於新聞產品的態度,及利於未來進行品牌延伸或是其他經營策略。


The competition for current internal news media industry is intense. Due to the trend of micro profit, there are more and more news media companies begin to use brand extension strategy with existing news brand to increase their revenue. However, news media acts as public service, and that is why news media has to show more discretion in brand extension strategy than ordinary consumer goods. The diversification strategy on the previous research of news media industry and brand extension was the main subject. Therefore, this research focuses on the consumer evaluation of news media brand extension products by branding extension strategy and attempts to make up for the inadequacy on relative brand extension research of news media industry. Also, this research gives some practical suggestions to news media companies that want to do the brand extension strategy. This research is working by experimental method. Three independent variables are product similarity (high/low), brand breadth (narrow/broad), news brand strength (strong/weak). The dependent variable is the consumer evaluation on the product of news media brand extension. The result indicates there is the same conclusion at the strength of news branding and of branding on the past literature. That is to say, the stronger news brand has more abilities to do branding extension than the weaker one. However, there is one point different from the past studies. The product similarity and the existing brand breadth of news media do not influence the consumer evaluations on the products of news media brand extension and do not have interaction. According to all of the above, this research could give some practical suggestions. First, news media brand is prestige-oriented brand. Whatever existing breadth of news media has potential for developing the product of news brand extension which has higher or lower similarity to news media. While choosing the lower similarity on the product of news brand extension, the product sharing the culture service concept as news media is better. And then, the stronger news media brand takes advantage of the superiority on its branding strength to do the extension. The weaker news media brand makes effort in the news quality and its own positive image. Those will be helpful for customer to take better attitude toward the news media products and beneficial to do branding extension in the future or others management strategy.




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