  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳雪雲


本研究旨在探究社區大學教師對於語言和跨文化教學之認知,及其課程規劃與課室教學,並論述其與學員語言與跨文化學習之關係。本研究目的為: 一、探討社區大學教師對於語言與跨文化教育的認知情形。 二、探究社區大學教師英語教材編製與學生背景和跨文化能力之對應關係。 三、探討社區大學英語教師如何營造課室環境以促進學生之語言與跨文化能力學習。 四、探討社區大學教師在語言與文化教學所扮演之角色。 本研究過程主要是採取質性研究取向,以新竹縣某社區大學所開設的「基礎英語會話班」課程作為研究場域。研究過程以深入訪談、參與觀察和簡單問卷進行,對象主要為教授該課程之英語老師,並以班上同學的課堂反應、非正式訪談與問卷作為輔助。過程首先老師接受訪談,以了解英語老師對於跨文化與英語教學的信念。之後,再以課室觀察,了解英文老師實際之上課情形,對於班上學員,則以非正式訪談和簡單問卷,以了解學員對於授課老師教學與教材之反應。本研究根據收集之問卷、課室觀察及訪談所歸納之結果摘述如下: 一、該教師認為社區大學是實現個人終身學習之場域,並認為語言學習是成人與世界接軌的重要媒介,也是社區教育之一環。 二、該教師採取任務導向作為英語教學模式,而非批判教育學。 三、該教師這種以學生中心導向之教學,除讓學員學習語言能力外,也可能鼓勵他們批判思考,一起合作討論決策和研究,增加溝通能力和跨越英語社會相關知識。


This study aimed at exploring the English teacher’s views about the knowledge of language-culture teaching for adult including the development of course and syllabus and teacher-learner engagement in classroom dialogue etc. in general, the learner’s acquisition of language and intercultural competence in particular. Therefore, the purposes of this study are as follows. 1. To explore the teacher’s assumption and knowing about the nexus of language and cross-cultural pedagogy. 2. To find out the teacher’s course design, such as planning of subject matters, requirements of the syllabus and its relationship with learners’ individual differences, such as interest, background and cross-cultural competence. 3. To analyze how teacher and learner are constantly in engaged in building dialogues in the classroom that the learner’s language skills and cross-cultural competence are assumed to increase. 4. To explore the role of teacher playing in language and culture teaching. An English program for the beginners in the Community College was purposively selected. A multi-method design based on a qualitative approach was carried out to study into a female teacher’s English and culture teaching in the classroom which includes in-depth interview, participant observation, questionnaires and document analysis. The result of the study is summarized as follows. 1. The teacher highlights that the Community College has a role to play to fulfill the rights to learning for adult in general; and English learning is necessary to mediate them to communicate globally in particular. 2. A task-oriented approach has been developed for the English and culture classroom respond to learner’s needs, rather than taking a critical pedagogy. 3. The teacher proposes that student-centered approach not only the best way of teaching a secondary language, but also to empower the learners’ language and inter-cultural skills including critical thinking, active engagement and experiment. Meanwhile, English learning also improve the learners’ inter-cultural communicative competency and the knowledge related to the English-speaking world.


李奉儒(2003)。P. Freire的批判教學論對於教師實踐教育改革的啟示。載於教育研究集刊,第四十九輯,第三期,1-30頁。


黃昀祺(2012)。成人學習者自我導向之專業成長研究 -以社區大學教師為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315303923
