  • 學位論文


Estimating the Value of Taiwan Public Service Broadcasting-- An Application of Contingent Valuation Methodology

指導教授 : 傅祖壇


公共廣電本身由於具備文化財與公共財的特性,其價值往往難以量化評估。本研究援引經濟學中對於非市場財貨評估的方法,利用條件評估法(contingent valuation methodology, CVM),並透過全國性電訪提供一個假設性市場,以求得民眾對於公共廣電的願付價格(willingness to pay, WTP),藉以進一步衡量台灣公共廣電的價值。本文除了簡單介紹條件評估法之外,同時亦檢視其他國家如何運用此法來衡量不同國家公共廣電的價值。 本文將價值區分成「使用價值」與「非使用價值」。為了檢視不同變項對於願付與否的影響,本研究利用雙元選擇模型來處理諸如社經變項、媒介使用狀況、對於公共價值的期待與滿意度、以及態度等變項的影響性。此外,本文同時也檢視了那些並未在問卷中表達其對公視真實偏好的「抗議性樣本」,並將這些樣本排除在分析之外,以避免抗議性樣本影響迴歸模型參數的推估。 研究結果顯示,國內民眾對於公共電視的「使用價值」及「非使用價值」每年每戶的願付價格平均分別為新台幣2423元以及1182元,佔約2007年台灣國民生產毛額的0.44%及0.21%。就使用價值而言,有無有線電視與否、收看公視的時數、受訪者的滿意度、以及對於公共功能期望和實踐上的落差等變項皆有顯著的影響性。就非使用價值而言,男性願付價格高於女性,而與媒介使用情形相關的變項影響性則相對減弱,但態度變項則欲顯重要:越是滿意公共電視服務以及越是傾向認為公共電視無法被商業電視取代者,其願付價格越高。


This is the first study in Taiwan that estimates the value of public service broadcasting (e.g. PTS) in monetary terms. By using contingent valuation methodology (CVM), a technique widely used on the evaluation of non-market good, this research conducts a nationwide telephone survey and puts PTS into a hypothetical scenario to elicit people’s willingness to pay (WTP) for the maintenance of it. Literature on CVM and how it is applied on the accountability of public service broadcasting are both examined. Use value and nonuse value are specified separately in this study. To identify what characteristic might affect the WTP, binary choice model (Probit) is used to access factors (e.g. socioeconomic variables, TV usage patterns, expectations and satisfactions and other attitudinal variables) that are influential to individual’s choice of whether to pay or not. Besides, protest responses that are not indicative of respondent’s true preferences are censored and are removed form the analysis. With the obtained coefficients, individual’s willingness to pay for PTS are also estimated. The household WTP for use and nonuse value every year is estimated to be $2423 NTD and $ 1182 NTD in average, which equal to 0.44% and 0.21 % of the GDP per capita in the year 2007. For use value, variables related to the usage of media, respondents’ satisfaction, and the gap between satisfaction and expectations are influential, while the influence of demographic variables is relatively small. For nonuse value, gender becomes influential and male respondents are more willing to pay for nonuse value. The influences of usage variables are mitigated but attitudinal variables become predictive: those with higher satisfaction and do not think PTS can be replaced by commercial broadcasting are more willing to pay.


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