  • 學位論文


A Narrative Study of Trauma Recovering Experience of Christian Female Survivors of Violence after Receiving Counseling and Spiritual Treatment

指導教授 : 陳秉華




The aim of this study is to discuss Christian violent survivor’s experiences receiving counseling and spiritual treatment after psychological trauma. The study design of this thesis is self-narrative inquiry, a form of qualitative research. The researcher invited three interviewees who experienced physical violence or sexual assault and used semi-structure interview to collect information. The main message the author collected was interviewees’ experiences recovering from psychological trauma after receiving counseling and Christian spiritual treatment. Holistic content analysis was adopted by the author to analyze the data, and the result found as following:1. Spiritual/ belief life affects survivors in positive way. The effectiveness includes restorative relationship in the belief; beliefs with considerate character also help survivors coping with spiritual struggle with positive way. Spiritual/ belief also supply resources to reconstruction of life and preventing relapse as well. The restorative relationship that spiritual/ belief provides including supportive interpersonal relationship from churches and totally accepting and treasuring by God. Inclusive belief helps the survivors to cope inner spiritual struggle with positive way. The inner struggle includes spiritual conflicts triggered by violence trauma and interpreting the Bible in Patriarchal approach. Friendly and inclusive religion environment helps survivors to cope with spiritual struggle in healthy way. As a resource to prevent relapsing, belief/ religion is also a resource to reconstruct the survivors’ life. 2. Recovering experiences from female survivors who received psychological therapy or spiritual treatment include secure environment and interpersonal relationship, restoration from narrative, getting back independent life. Psychological counseling provides secure environment and interpersonal relationship. The humanism counseling relationship has curative effect; it helps maintain counseling framework and providing psychological meaning. Furthermore, the therapist introduces spirits into counseling helps getting stronger alliance with clients. The process of restoration from narrative includes ability of reconstruction of self-awareness and one’s emotional ability. Applying spiritual treatment in counseling provides a better progress during the counseling; also it help to reflect one’s belief through counseling and coping spiritual suffering in positive way. The whole process helps survivors getting reconnection to one’s life, finding one’s own right, experiencing reconstruction back and forth, and finally getting reconstruction through one’s belief and psychological counseling. 3. The transformation of female violent survivors who had received psychological counseling and spiritual treatment can be divided into two aspects. The first aspect is that the survivors go from inner self integration to the reality, their life goes from stagnation to active; the second aspect is that overcoming one’s psychological trauma and coping with the future. In the first aspect, the survivors go from self-integration to reaching the reality. The second aspect is that they getting their lives from stagnation to activation, over the past to the future. “Going from self-integration to reaching the reality” means reaching self-actualization from core self and demonstrating one’s potential. “Getting life from stagnation to activation” includes giving meanings of the psychological trauma, spiritual growth and getting expectation after traumatic experience. In the other words, the survivors are like phoenix from the flame, they became a recipient to a helper. Finally, the researcher proposed discussion and limitation of this study and provided suggestions to further study, psychological counseling work, and churches.


王詩雲(2009):基督教信仰的人神關係對心理治療復原力的啟發。諮商與輔導, 286,19-21。
