  • 學位論文


A Study on the Rent of the Residential Apartment Related to the Distance and Location of the Nearby MRT Station

指導教授 : 王聖鐸


根據內政部營建署的統計,臺北市以及新北市的房價所得比分別為15倍以及12.7倍(內政部營建署,2018)。於是當沒有屬於自己的房屋時,一般人往往會選擇租屋作為暫時的選擇。但是租屋市場與不動產市場兩者會互相影響,根據內政部資料顯示租金指數已連續37個月上漲。(內政部,2018)而且受到近年買轉租的盛行,房東也會將原本用於抑制不動產市場所推行的高稅負,例如房地合一稅等成本轉嫁給消費者,因此這也使得租屋族所要付出的成本愈來愈高。然後過去的研究往往只關注在不動產的交易市場上,反而忽略了租賃市場,因此本研究打算利用內政部的開放資料來進行不動產租金的空間分析,過去的研究大多利用最小平方法與特徵價格法來分析不動產市場,而不動產的租金資料往往具有空間自相關的現象,因此如果空間依賴性的檢定呈現顯著的話,就必須改以空間迴歸模型取代最小平方法模型。 本研究使用空間迴歸模型分析臺北大眾捷運系統周邊的不動產租金樣本,實證結果顯示,在不動產租賃市場中確實存在空間自相關的現象,於是改以空間迴歸模型取代原本的最小平方法模型。不動產租金的影響因素,本研究以三大構面進行分析,在建物結構變數方面,「租賃價格」會與「建物面積」、「房間數」、「衛浴數」、「有無管理費」、「有無附家具」、「有無附車位」、與「屋齡」等變數有顯著負相關;鄰里變數方面,與「是否鄰近銀行或郵局」以及「是否鄰近大專院校」等有顯著正相關;距離變數方面,研究中以樣本距離捷運站的直線距離作為依據,發現如果在其他變數條件不變的情況下,不動產每距離捷運站遠1000公尺時,其租金的邊際價格會減少約4560元。


According to the statistics of the Construction Department of the Ministry of the Interior, the house price to income ratio in Taipei City and New Taipei City is 15 times and 12.7 times respectively. Therefore, people do not have their own house will rent a house as a temporary choice. However, interaction between rental market and housing market is existing. Ministry of the Interior reveals House Rent Price Index (HRI) has risen for 37 months. Furthermore, because of people get used to rating house instead of buying house, landlords tend to pass-through the luxury tax that the government intended to cap rising housing prices, such as “house and land transactions income tax” to tenants. It implies tenants would afford more cost on ranting houses. Nevertheless, research about rental market of housing is relatively rare studies investigating the rent of housing . This study used real value registry scheme of real estates near Taipei Mass Rapid Transit open data provided by the Ministry of the Interior, adopting spatial regression models to analyze difference aspects influence on rent price. The result reveal that rent price are significant negatively correlated to building structure variables, including area of apartment, room, bathroom, homeowners association fee (HOAfee), parking space and the age of house; nevertheless, it’s significant positively correlated to facility around the house, including bank, post office and university. But rent price furniture, age, packingspace, bank. The margin price of real estate will decrease 4500 NT dollor per 1000 meter on all else equal condition.


