  • 學位論文


Exploring Sexual Harassment in the Workplace of Foreign Home Caregivers: Perspectives of Shelter Worker

指導教授 : 王永慈


因著2017年的ME TOO運動,職場性騷擾議題在國際間又再次受到重視,越來越多性騷擾被害者選擇打破沉默、公開自身的受害經驗,使社會大眾意識到職場性騷擾的普遍性和嚴重性。儘管從臺灣的相關新聞報導、勞動部統計資料顯示,家庭看護工相較於其他行業別移工有較高的可能性面臨職場性騷擾,有些性騷擾事件甚至會衍伸為更嚴重的性侵害事件,目前的學術研究仍鮮少對家庭看護工職場性騷擾議題進行討論。因此,本研究透過質性研究之半結構式深度訪談法,了解6名移工庇護單位第一線工作人員協助受職場性騷擾家庭看護工的經驗,並獲得以下研究結論: 一、家庭看護工職場性騷擾事件中的性騷擾行為人多為男性被看護人或雇主,又因照顧工作特性、被看護人罹患失智症、雇主錯誤的情慾表達等因素,加上臺灣勞動法規對於家庭看護工的工時、居住空間、轉換工作自由缺乏完善的保障,使家庭看護工承受較大的職場性騷擾風險。 二、家庭看護工在求助過程中須經歷諸多挑戰,包含:雇主在性騷擾事件中立場尷尬,以致雇主無法採取合適的措施制止性騷擾行為人;仲介缺乏一致且公正的性騷擾處理程序;1955專線諮詢服務人員欠缺敏感度及專業性等,皆迫使家庭看護工持續暴露在職場性騷擾的恐懼與威脅中。 三、即使家庭看護工進入庇護單位,雇主或仲介仍可透過勞資爭議調解程序再次刁難家庭看護工;而在性別工作平等會申訴、司法訴訟過程中則會面臨等待時間冗長、家庭看護工陳述能力有限、相關結果不易確立等困境,另突顯相關人員和現行法規未能覺察交織於家庭看護工職場性騷擾事件中性別、階級與種族等多重壓迫,導致家庭看護工的人身安全與權益難以獲得保障。 最後,本研究根據研究結果,針對政策與實務等層面提出建議,以期為家庭看護工提供更安全、友善的職場環境。


The Me Too Movement re-raised the awareness of sexual harassment in the workplace around the world in 2017. More and more survivors of sexual harassment chose to break the silence, began sharing their stories about the trauma wrought by sexual harassment and showing the world ‘how common sexual harassment is’. Even though, Taiwan’s news and the statistical data from Ministry of Labor showed that migrant workers who worked as home caregiver might face higher risk of experiencing sexual harassment than those in other industries, and some sexual harassment incidents eventually turned into significant sexual assault crises. The related academic studies still pay little attention to the issue of sexual harassment of foreign home caregivers in the workplace. Thus, this research uses the in-depth interview method in qualitative research to collect the working experience of six shelter workers who have helped home caregivers to deal with sexual harassment in the workplace. The research conclusions are as follows: 1.When a home caregiver faces sexual harassment at work, the offender is almost the male client or employer. Home caregivers are at a higher risk of facing sexual harassment at work due to the special characteristics of caregiving jobs, clients’ dementia, and employers’ unsolicited expressions of affection. The lack of protection for home caregivers’ working hours, living spaces, and freedom to change work under Taiwan’s labor laws also put them at higher risk. 2.When seeking for help, home caregivers have to face lots of challenges that extended from the process. Examples of challenges that continue to put home caregivers in the face of fear and threat when it comes to sexual harassment include: Employer can’t play an effective role in stopping the offender because of the awkward relationship with offender; agencies lack a standard and fair procedure to take care of sexual harassment; the 1955 hotline workers lack sensitivity and professionalism. 3.Even if home caregivers seek help from shelters, employers and agencies can still use the mediation process for labor disputes to make things hard for them. When they report problems to the Gender Equality Committee or try to bring the offender to court, they face challenges such as a long waiting process, limited ability to describe events that happened, and the results are not easy to establish. This also shows that related personnel and current regulations are unable to recognize that oppression resulting from gender, class and racial issues, which make it challenging for home caregivers to get the safety and rights they need. Finally, based on the above research conclusions, this research puts forward some suggestions to policy field and practical field in order to provide more secure and friendly working environment to foreign home caregivers


王佳煌、潘中道、蘇文賢、江吟梓(譯)(2014)。當代社會研究法:質化與量化取向(原作者:W. L. Neuman)。臺北市:學富。
