  • 學位論文


Application of contingent valuation method and travel cost method assess Dasi-Chihu Lake recreation benefit

指導教授 : 賴勇成


本研究之主要目的為針對桃園縣大溪-慈湖遊憩地區的文化背景分析對遊客的吸引力,及對大溪-慈湖遊憩地區遊憩效益評估,本研究加入了旅遊成本法(Travel Cost Method)探討大溪-慈湖的遊憩效益,並以條件評估法(Contingent Valuation Method)分析非使用價值(或文化保存價值)與之相對應。利用到大溪-慈湖遊客的問卷調查之統計資料,分析目前大溪-慈湖觀光發展的現況與探討未來永續發展的方向。 國際間成為地球村已有很長一段時間,可以說是無國界。隨著網路通訊、觀光旅遊的發達,各國間的觀光、文化、資訊交流頻繁無阻礙。以各國觀光的角度來看,台灣觀光發展至今,國內的旅遊在遊客中的形象有所限制(2010)魏文彬。列舉例子如:法國巴黎-凱旋門、羅馬-競技場等等,這些觀光景點其背後都深深含有歷史文化。但就國內觀光在旅客心中,往往局限於單純的購物、吃喝與看景。因此地方有關單位,為了將其景點特色化,故而著重於地方文化創業的發展將其重新包裝並找到永續經營的新契機。 本論文以桃園縣大溪-慈湖為例,應用旅遊成本法建立大溪慈湖遊憩需求實證模型,其中以TPOIS、TNB及On-Site Poisson模型修正現場樣本的截斷與內生分層偏誤,並且還應用條件評估法透過假設性問題加上願意支付價格WTP的概念,估算大溪慈湖的人文歷史遊憩效益。 實證結果顯示TPOIS模型估計的消費者剩餘為2,293(元/年/人),TNB模型估計的消費者剩餘為2,308(元/年/人),On-Site Poisson模型估計的消費者剩餘為1,748(元/年/人)。 於條件評估法的部分,選擇價值的願付價格為156.4(元/年/人),存在價值的願付價格為181.3(元/年/人),遺贈價值的願付價格為195.9(元/年/人)。


This study main purpose is analysis Taoyuan county Dasi Chihu cultural background has what attraction and recreation benefit to the tourist. In this study use Travel Cost Method research Dasi Chihu’s recreation benefit, and Contingent Valuation Method analysis non-use value. Use questionnaire method to investigate visiting tourist at the Dasi Chihu, to analysis Dasi Chihu tourism development now, and sustainable management in the future The international community has become a global village for a long time, can be said without borders. As network communication, tourism developed, sightseeing, culture, frequent information exchange between countries unhindered. In countries tourism perspective, Taiwan’s tourism development so far, the country’s tourism image in tourists seems to be limited(2010)Wen Bin Wei. Cited examples such as:Paris, France-Arc de Triomphe, Rome-Colosseum, etc. These tourists, often limited to a simple shopping, eating and watching. So place the unit in order to attractions character, and therefore focuses on the opportunities for sustainable development. In this thesis, use Taoyuan county Dasi Chihu for example, the average consumer surplus (CS) under TPOIS model, TNB model, and On-Site poisson model were NT 2293, 2308, 1748, respectively. The values of willingness to pay of Dasi Chihu were also calculated as follows: option value was NT 156.4 per-year per-person, existence value was NT 181.3 per-year per-person, and bequest value was NT 195.9 per-year per-person.


1. N. GREGORY MANKIW、譯:林修葳、謝振環、饒秀華,經濟學原理,台北,東華書局,民國九十三年一月三日三版。
2. Peter F. Drucker,譯者:齊若蘭,The Practice of Management彼得.杜拉克的管理聖經,初版一刷民國九十三年五月一日,初版六刷民國九十三年十二月十五日。
3. ROGER A. ARNOLD、編譯:劉子年、林益倍、黃健兒、李靜芠,個體經濟學,高立圖書,民國九十二年四月二十日。
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