  • 學位論文


Impacts of Subway System on Housing Prices in Different Stages and Locations of Metropolitan Area

指導教授 : 彭建文


捷運系統所帶來交通可及性的改善,透過資本化對房價帶來增值,使捷運周邊房屋隨捷運距離增加而有價格遞減的現象;然而,捷運系統對於都市內交通帶來改善的同時,不同區位間既有的交通設施將可能使捷運對房價的改善有區位上的差異;本研究有別於以往實證頇先假設函數形式的參數法,採用放寬變數函數設定的半參數法進行實證,瞭解捷運對於房價影響之非線性效果;在以我國房價資料進行預測時亦發現半參數法的預測能力優於傳統的參數法,本研究分別以全線通車營運前1993~1999年與營運後2004~2007年的不同階段,分析營運前後捷運對不同都市區位間房價之影響,瞭解各區位間捷運價格曲線的變動情況,以及捷運距離與房價變動率間的關連性。根據實證結果,本研究有以下幾點結論: 一、捷運站對房價的影響範圍,就捷運全線而言,不論營運前後均為600公尺。二、捷運價格曲線確實會因區位不同而有所差異,以往認為捷運車站由於環境髒亂、噪音等外部成本,對於房價會有負面影響,實證結果中發現車站的外部成本出現在市區捷運;三、營運後捷運對郊區房價影響不顯著,可能原因在於郊區運輸系統,除了捷運外,尚頇依賴轉乘工具的配合,若轉乘的運輸成本低於捷運站周邊的高房價,則民眾將較可能願意支付接駁的運輸成本、轉而購買捷運外圍較遠區域的住宅,造成捷運價格曲線在營運後趨於帄緩、捷運距離對郊區市場房價影響不顯著。四、捷運房價的影響力在營運前已在市區與郊區出現,市郊則在營運後房價才隨捷運距離遞減。五、營運前的房價變動呈現下跌,可能受到總體市場不景氣與捷運施工的影響,區位抗跌性以郊區最高、市郊次之、市區最小,在營運後房價變動率市區與郊區最高、市郊次之,對一般投資者而言以郊區的捷運站具有較高的保值性。 捷運對房價的影響在不同區位與營運前後確實有所不同,捷運系統屬於大眾運輸系統的一環,因此捷運與其他運輸工具之間的關係將會影響到捷運對房價的影響,本研究認為將捷運影響分不同區位角度切入有其必要性,才能真正準確評估捷運對不動產市場的影響,也將有助於政府未來能更正確評估捷運系統的資本化效果,且可提供不動產開發商或一般民眾在進行不動產投資決策時的區位選擇參考。


Most past studies found that the subway system had very significant positive effects on house prices, and the capitalization effect will decreased as the distance with subway stations increased. However, because of the different locations and stages, the subway effects on house prices may also different. Semi-parametric model is a new function form which combines the parametric and non-parametric models. In this paper, we use semi-parametric method to measure the non-linear effects of subway system on house prices, and we find the semi-parametric method is better than parametric method in predictive house prices. We use the housing transaction data near the Red Line of Taipei Subway System when operating before 1993 and in 1999, after trading from 2004 to 2007 at different stages. Analysis of the subway impacts in different locations and stages. According to empirical results, this study has the following conclusions: A. The range of subway station on impact of housing prices is 600 meters. B. The price curve of subway station is different due to locations, and the station in downtown may have some external costs like noise and environmental mess. C. The subway impact in country is insignificant after operating. Because the subway may work together with other transport tool in country, people would pay less transportation costs than higher housing pricse near stations. D. In downtown and country, the subway station impact housing prices before operating. The subway impact in suburb appears until after operating. E. To invertors, the subway station in suburb is better choise to invest. In this paper, the impact of subway system on house prices is vary with different locations and stages in metropolitan area. We think to distinguish between different areas of metropolitan area is necessary, and it can accurately assess the subway system on the impact of the real estate market. It also can provide real estate developers or the general public in real estate investment decision-making reference.


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