  • 學位論文


A Study Of Three-Dimensional Geographic Information System To Construct A Digital City

指導教授 : 李緒東


地理資訊系統(Geographic Information System, GIS)是一門綜合性學科,整合了地理數學、地圖測量、電腦科學,可被廣泛地應用在不同的領域。世界上第一個實作的地理資訊系統於1967年誕生,台灣於1980年初才逐步引進此技術,與已開發國家相比仍有長足進步空間。隨著電腦科技的日新月異,三維地理資訊系統(3D GIS)已被許多國家開發應用,在商業發展方面更有其優勢,值得探討其國外經驗以及國內發展之前景。本研究目的在於了解台灣3D GIS開發現況,以及架設本土化三維數位城市之發展性。本研究採用質性研究中的個案研究法,並輔以專家深度訪談,作出相關結論。本研究發現:(1)政府推動產業、學界、政府、民間四大方向整合空間資訊方面不遺餘力,雖然我國與其他已開發國家相比,GIS產業起步稍晚,但政府與學術研究機關之配合推動,使得GIS產業前景看好。(2)國內GIS相關應用產品之技術已趨成熟,一般GIS商品在國內市場逐漸走向普及化;而3D GIS相關性商品在國內銷售或者應用於電子商務,指日可待。(3)目前一般民眾接觸3D GIS技術之機會較少,國內發展空間仍大。 (4)國外架設3D平台有其需求與必要性,國內廠商可參考國外經驗,然而仍需因應公司經營型態多做評估。


Geographic Information System(GIS) is an integrated subject. It combines geography, mathematics, map measurement, and computer science, and thus it could broadly been applied to different fields. The world’s first GIS was developed in 1967; however it wasn’t brought in Taiwan until 1980. Compare with developed countries, Taiwan still needs more efforts to make progress in GIS. With the advancement of computer science, 3D GIS have been put to use in many countries. Its advantage of commercial development is worthy of our exploration on the foreign experience and prospect of domestic development. This research aims to catch on the current conditions of Taiwan 3D GIS, and find out the probability of developing domestic 3D digital cities. Case study method of qualitative research and experience survey are adopted here to make related conclusion. The findings are as follows: (1) Government has done its utmost to push industry, academic circle, government, and the folks to integrate geographic information. Although Taiwan’s GIS industry starts later than other developed countries’, the coordination of government and academic research institution still made the prospects of our GIS industry even more attractive. (2) The technology of GIS related products application has already matured in Taiwan. GIS related products are very popular on the domestic market, and 3D GIS related products can be expected to sell on domestic market and apply to e-commerce soon. (3) The public nowadays seldom takes the chance to know about GIS; therefore the development of GIS in Taiwan is expectable in the future. (4) There are needs and necessity for foreign companies to set up 3D platform, thus domestic companies could refer to foreign experience. Even so, the companies should depend on companies’ business type first.


1.Rober K. Yin,尚榮安譯,個案研究法,弘智文化,1994。
