  • 學位論文


A Study on City Images between the Old and New Urban Fabric -Shilin Market versus Xinyi Business District

指導教授 : 郭肇立


自西元十八世紀起,台灣就是個殖民色彩強烈的國家,曾經歷葡萄牙、西班牙、清朝、日本等許多性格相異的民族統治,造就了台灣的城市文化有特殊的性格;以台北市為例,從最早期葡萄牙人的開墾,明鄭、清朝的統治,日據時期的殖民,戰後美援的改革一直到近代以西方模式所作的規劃,因此台北市的空間有著許多不同文化性格的都市紋理,然而近代都市的規劃是以一種強調都市的功能性及機能性的機械城市,講究城市的便利為原則下,都市在外觀上也越來越相近,空間結構上也越來越類似,一些具有傳統情感的城市元素也一一的被抹煞。因此如何讓台北市獨特的都市空間展現出具在地性的都市意象成為本研究的重點。 本研究企圖從「台北市的都市紋理空間」去探討都市意象。如前面所提到,台北市的都市紋理空間是一種經過時代的整合及與空間對話的產物,是具有集體記憶的,是可以充份展現出地方性都市意象的。因此本研究將針對台北市的舊都市紋理空間及新都市紋理空間兩個項目作比較,以台北市的士林市場及信義計劃商圈作為研究之樣本。 最後本研究運用空間、時間、都市意象三個面向去討論台北市現況所存在的不同類型的都市紋理空間,討論新舊都市紋理空間在都市意象的營造上所展現的特色,何者較能展現出具地方性的都市意象,並規納出一些結論: (一)舊都市紋理空間建築密度較高,且缺乏大型公共空間。 (二)舊都市紋理空間較重視建築物、街道與人的關係,因此其「地方性」較強。 (三)相較於新開發的都市空間而言,舊都市紋理空間之都市意象較不強烈。


地方性 都市紋理 都市意象


Taiwan has colonial influerices since eighteenth century . It had been predominated by many different personality countries such as Spain, China Qing dynasty and Japan. These countries brought cultural hybridity to Taiwan. For example, Taipei had been predominated from the early Ming Zheng, Qing dynasty, the Japanese colonial period, the reform of post-war U.S. aid until modern times. Therefore many of Taipei's urban spaces have different textures. However, modern urban planning emphasizes functionality in order to facilitate traffic convenience. The structure between cities are more similar, and some traditional elements were disregarded. The aim of this study is to find the city images of Taipei. This study will first focus on "Taipei urban fabric". As noted earlier, Taipei City's urban fabric is an integration through time and space. It is a collective memories of all citizens, and can fully show images of local cities. Therefore, this study will focus on the comparison between the old city and new urban fabric. The two cases in research for urban fabric are Shihlin market and Xinyi business district. Finally, the research apply on three dimensions: space, time and urban image to discuss the existence of different types of urban fabric in Taipei. The conclusions are: (A) Old urban fabric has higher density in buildings and lack of large-scale public open space. (B) Old urban fabric pays more attention on the spatial relationship between buildings and people, so that local culture is stronger. (C) Old urban fabric is less strongly in urban images.


Locality Urban fabric City Image


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