  • 學位論文


Corporate Bribery:Two Case Studies

指導教授 : 黃蘭媖


本研究以地勇選礦股份有限公司與永順集團為個案,採質化研究法探討與民營化後國營企業相關之企業行賄現象。本研究透過深度訪談與相關文獻資料的蒐集,探討上述企業行賄的成因與歷程。研究的目的在於透過個案比較,探討組織行為理論與組織生態理論如何應用在解釋企業行賄;結合鉅觀層次的組織內外結構分析,以及微觀層次的行為動機與行賄歷程分析,綜合探討影響企業行賄的關鍵因素。 研究結果發現,本研究所探討之個案均受到企業處於具有壟斷性的產業結構與產業生態環境之影響而行賄。由於兩個案公司都是前國營企業的下游廠商,利用國營企業民營化監督鬆綁,惟國家仍掌控相當程度的股份形成之模糊空間,企圖透過利益輸送取得合約和確保獲利。在社會因素部分,環保意識的抬頭導致企業經營成本壓力提高,地勇公司不反思改善自身生產過程所造成的環境污染,而利用行賄作為逃避規範的手段;加上社會大眾對於企業行賄採取漠視容忍態度,行賄之企業承受較小的社會輿論壓力而食髓知味。最後,在臺灣轉型期間形成的共生政商關係結構亦是導致資本家習於透過人際關係或政治同謀來影響國家決策、競爭生存與極大化獲利的行規。 在組織內部結構部分,本研究個案同屬權力結構集中的組織,公司的所有決策都繫於實際負責人個人身上,行賄的動機、決意、執行,也大多由公司實際負責人經手。顯示出企業內部缺乏管理監督機制,一旦公司負責人自我控制程度低,公司就容易從事違法犯罪的行為。


Using the cases between these two companies , Dih Yeon Industrial Company Limited and Winson Group. This study investigates the process of the company bribery. It is intended to explore the incentive structure of these two bribery companies and two state-owned provider, namely CPC Corporation, Taiwan and China Steel Company. This study adopts qualitative methods through depth interviews and secondary data analysis to explore the process of corporate bribery. Through comparative case studies, organizational behavior theory and organizational ecology are applied to understand the bribery corporates. It combines the macro-level organizational structure analysis and micro-level behavior such as motivation and bribery process analysis to explore the critical factors to affect enterprises engaging in bribery activities. The research findings show that the monopolistic industrial structure is crucial. Since both cases in the study are the downstream manufactures of the former state-owned enterprises , they manage to take advantage of the loopholes in order to ensure the contract and maximize their profit. In spite of being privatized, it was found that the state still have power over the personnel appointment of the enterprises. Drawing from the two cases analyzed, deregulation, instead of improve fair competition, actually brings many opportunities and possibilities to the corporate bribery. Some social factors including environmental consciousness led to business costs. Rather than improve their production process, bribery corporate actually choose to bend the rules by more illegal activities, including bribery. Secondly, the complex political and commercial relations, leading entrepreneurs used to pull their strings with politicians and key persons in order to influence national policy-making. Above all, the internal structure of the organization is the key factor. Both enterprises are with centralized power structure and all decisions were being made by individual who is responsible for the bribery behaviors. The concentration of power and lack of supervision open the doors for corporate leaders to abuse their power without answering to anybody. Therefore, the company is likely to engage in criminal behaviors such as bribery.



