  • 學位論文

日治時期紅麴管制下民俗中紅麴的運用之探討 ---- 以生命與歲時禮俗為例

The study on the Folklore of Red Yeast use during the Japanese Colonial Period under the Red Yeast Control ---- In an example of life and at the age of rituals

指導教授 : 俞美霞


紅麴文化可在臺灣清領時期有著高度的發展,並且可區分成紅酒文化與紅糟文化,日治時期因為財政的需求實施酒稅以及酒麴管制,從1907年實施酒造稅開始,臺灣紅麴文化開始因政令而發生變化,在1922年實施酒專賣之後,紅麴文化開始由量變產生質變。   紅糟文化隨紅麴管制開始質變,民間開始以紅膏取代紅糟,而紅膏分成紅花米以及紅番米兩類,紅花米原料是紅花的菊科花瓣,但紅番米原料是蘇木心材,最後這兩種替代物被麻栗葉所取代。   酒造稅實施之後,民家不得私釀並且限制民家釀酒習俗,而酒專賣之後,價格飛升並且品質下滑,因此養生禮俗以米酒取代紅酒。日治時期紅麴文化的轉變,以沉默的方式反抗霸權,被殖民族群以調整次級文化物質,以延續主流文化。


紅麴 紅糟 紅酒 禮俗 日治時期


The Red Yeast culture in Taiwan has a high degree of development during the Qing collar, and can be divided into the Red Yeast Rice Wine culture and the Red Yeast Rice Wine Dregs cultural.Japanese colonial period because of financial needs implementation liquor tax and yeast control.From 1907 began implementing Shuzo tax, Taiwan Red Yeast culture began to change with due decrees.In 1922, The Red Yeast culture began to produce a qualitative change from quantitative after the implementation of liquor monopoly.   The Red Yeast Rice Wine Dregs culture begins with the Red Yeast regulatory qualitative change. Folk began to replace the Red Yeast Rice Wine Dregs with red paste. The red paste into An Hua Mi and An Han Mi types.The raw material of An Hua Mi is Honghua petals(Carthamus tinctorius),but the raw materials of An Han Mi is Sumu lumber (Caesalpinia sappan). Finally these two alternatives is replaced by the of Ma Li leaf (Verbenaceae Tectona grandis L.f).   Shuzo tax implemented,folk not moonshine and winemaking customs limit. The liquor monopoly, the price soaring and quality decline, so rice wine instead of Red Yeast Rice Wine the regimen customs.The Red Yeast cultural change with silence against hegemony during Japanese occupation period.Colonized populations to adjust the second culture substances in order to keep the mainstream culture.


2. 宋錦秀,〈臺灣傳統安胎暨「胎神」的觀念〉,《臺灣史研究》,第3卷第2期,1996年12月。
5. 鄭安睎,《日治時期蕃地隘勇線的推進與變遷(1895-1920) 》(國立政治大學民族研究所博士論文,指導教授: 許雪姬,2010)。
84. 李亦園,《信仰與文化》(台北:巨流,1978)
一、 專書
1. 漢•鄭玄注,唐•賈公彥,《周禮注疏》(《景印文淵閣四庫全書》第90冊,台北:臺灣商務,1983-1986)。
