  • 學位論文


A Research of Eco-labeling and Advertising Appeals on Advertising Effectiveness - the Moderating Role of Pro-environmental Belief

指導教授 : 方文昌


近年來環保意識的抬頭,促使消費者開始以環保標章作為選擇產品的依據,環保標章的有無,不但可以幫助消費者分辨該產品是否環保,選擇能讓地球永續發展的產品;完整的環保標章訊息,也能夠使消費者對該產品或廣告產生態度上的轉變。強調環保已是目前整體環境的趨勢,眾多企業無不開始主打綠色(環保)廣告,然而,在消費者所能接觸到的眾多綠色廣告之中,又有哪些廣告能夠真正感動到消費者? 本研究探討在綠色廣告中,環保標章與廣告訴求對廣告效果的影響。實驗情境為2X2的設計 (環保標章:有/無)(廣告訴求:強調環保時代精神訴求/強調比較性利益訴求),特別加上消費者本身的環保信念作為干擾變數,探討綠色廣告對不同信念程度之消費者說服力的差異。結果顯示:環保信念較高的消費者,環保標章有正向說服力,然而兩種不同的廣告訴求其廣告效果並無顯著差異;環保信念較低的消費者,環保標章有正向說服力,而強調環保時代精神之廣告,其廣告效果優於強調比較性利益訴求之廣告。本研究亦發現,四種廣告設計之中,以環保標章搭配強調環保時代精神訴求之廣告,其廣告效果最佳。


Heightened interest in climate change over the past couple of years has led to rising calls for labeling to allow consumers to differentiate between more or less sustainable options. Such calls apparently assume that if consumers are presented with appropriate label information their attitude will change. In this research, eco-labeling is discussed especially in the green advertisement. Being “green” is one of the popular perceptions of consumers in the modern world. Thus, there are more and more companies focus on the green advertising. The world has been full of green advertisements. Consumers were “reached” by all of them, but not all of them really “touched” consumers. Numerous researches have introduced different advertising appeals in the green advertisements. This research compared the relative persuasiveness of various advertising appeals. A two by two (eco-labeling / non-eco-labeling; zeitgeist appeal / comparative benefit appeal) experiment is designed. Observing advertising effectiveness could assist this research proving the hypotheses. Moreover, using pro-environmental belief as a moderating variable in this research helped us find a way to “touch” consumers.


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