  • 學位論文


A study of the factors in Taiwan residents' happiness

指導教授 : 施葦


人類生活中從事的活動,都是源自於對快樂的渴求。為瞭解臺灣地區居民快樂與否之影響因子,本文利用「華人家庭動態資料庫」 2007年問卷調查,以臺灣地區24至69年次(27至72歲)居民為對象,抽樣調查其快樂資料。依據個人基本狀況、婚姻及配偶狀況、家庭及經濟狀況、居住狀況等面向,討論對快樂程度之影響,並藉由統計方法建置比例勝算模型,探討影響快樂之因子。 研究結果顯示,就快樂程度與個別變數觀察,性別以女性比較快樂;婚姻狀況以同居、已婚(含再婚)者比較快樂;快樂比例又隨配偶教育程度提升而增加;臺北市、宜蘭縣、花蓮縣及臺東縣居民比其他縣市居民快樂;個人健康狀況、配偶健康狀況或父、母親健康狀況較佳者比較快樂;工作滿意度及家庭生活滿意度均與快樂程度呈正比;與人同住者比獨居者快樂,惟與父母同住者較不快樂;同居或已婚(含再婚)者,與配偶或配偶父母同住較快樂;快樂傾向隨個人平均每月收入、配偶平均每月收入及全家平均每月收入增加而提高。 再就比例勝算模型觀察,男女混合模型顯示,性別以女性比較快樂;婚姻狀況以未婚者比較快樂;宜蘭縣、花蓮縣及臺東縣居民比其他縣市居民快樂;個人健康狀況、配偶健康狀況或父親健康狀況較佳者比較快樂;工作滿意度及家庭生活滿意度均與快樂程度呈正比;快樂傾向隨年齡及全家平均每月收入增加而提高;同居或已婚(含再婚)者,與配偶同住或與配偶父母同住均較為快樂。 在性別比較差異上,男性以居住宜蘭縣、花蓮縣、臺東縣者比較快樂,女性則以居住高雄縣、市及屏東縣者比較快樂;男性之快樂程度受工作狀況(包含是否失業、工時、收入、滿意度)及家庭經濟狀況影響,而女性受婚姻狀況與居住狀況(是否與配偶同住、是否與配偶父母同住)影響。


快樂 比例勝算模型


The activities people engage in are derived from the desire of happiness. To understand the factors impact Taiwan residents’ happiness, this research uses the data of happiness collected from the Taiwan residents born in 1935 to 1980 (27 to 72 year-old) through questionnaire survey of 2007 in Panel Study of Family Dynamics (PSFD). The impacts of basic personal status, marriage and spouse, family and economic, and living conditions on happiness index are discussed. Furthermore, proportional odds model is built to investigate impact on the happiness index. Findings from the one-to-one comparison between happiness and individual factors show that followings have higher degree of happiness: female, cohabiting and married (including remarriage) people, spouse with higher education, Taipei City, Yilan County, Hualien County and Taitung County residents, better health status of individual, spouse and parents, higher satisfaction of job and family life; people living with others are happier than those living alone, but those living with parents are contrarily unhappier; living with their spouse or their spouse’s parents; higher individual, spouse and family monthly income. Findings from the proportional odds model show that female are happier; in marital status, unmarried people are happier; Yilan County, Hualien County and Taitung County residents are happier than other regions; better health status of individual, spouse or father are happier; satisfaction of job and family life are directly proportional to the degree of happiness; the degree of happiness tends to increase through age and family monthly income; cohabiting, married (including remarriage), living with their spouse or their spouse’s parents are happier. In gender difference, male living in Yilan County, Hualien County and Taitung County are happier, and females living in Kaohsiung County, Kaohsiung City and Pingtung County are happier. Male's happiness is influenced by working conditions (including employment or not, working hours, income and job satisfaction), family and economic status. Female’s happiness is affected by marital status (happier if single) and living conditions (whether living with spouse, or spouse's parents).


happiness proportional odds model


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