  • 學位論文


Green Marketing in Beauty industries:who does, what does, and how to influence consumer purchasing intentions.

指導教授 : 蔡坤宏


這幾年消費者環保意識日益抬頭,影響到消費者購買行為,各行各業為因應消費行為的改變而在環保貢獻上有所行動。人們迫切的關心每天接觸到的產品是否對個人或環境帶來影響。因此,與消費者有最直接相關的產業影響最深。而人們每天都會有機會接觸的美妝業,面臨消費者環保意識的考驗,業者會以什麼方式進行綠色行銷?而消費者又是如何看待美妝業者對於環保的態度?本研究將從廠商端與消費者端探討這個議題,分析美妝業者誰會做綠色行銷及做什麼內容,以及影響消費者的購買因素。 在廠商端的部份將藉由內容分析法搭配多重對應分析法分析廠商的過去活動紀錄,而消費者端的部份將以計畫行為理論作為架構,以問卷方式分析資料。總共蒐集343份並以階層回歸分析方式分析結果。結果可得以下四點︰第一,美妝業者以預防的方式進行綠色行銷以面對環保議題。第二,美妝業者所採取之環保活動皆以維持自有形象之環保活動為主。第三、消費者的態度、主觀規範與自我效能將會影響購買意圖。第四,在主觀規範調節下,會弱化態度整體效果與態度情感,並強化態度認知的負向效果。


In recent years, rising environmental awareness of consumers affects consumer buying behavior. Businesses have to take action on the environmental contribution to response on consumer behavior changing. People urgent cares the products what they contact everyday if cause personal or environmental impact. Thus, if the businesses are more directly related to people, the more affected to themselves. And people will have chance to access to daily beauty industry, faced the test of environmental awareness of consumers. In what way the industry will be green marketing? How does consumer to treat to the industry which their attitude on green marketing? This thesis aims to investgate the fims who conduct green marketing activities, what they do, and how to influence consumer intention. By content analysis and multiple correspondence analyses, we analyzed the industries second hand information. Also, we use theory of planned behavior as a framework, designing questionnaire. We collected 343 questionnaires and analyzed these data by hierarchical regression. We found that: First, facing the environmental issues, the beauty industries do green marketing in order to prevention. Second, what the beauty industries do environmental protection activities is maintaining their own image of environmental-based activities. Third, consumers' attitudes, subjective norms and self-efficacy will affect the purchase intention. Fourth, as the moderator, the subjective norm will weaken the attitude of the overall effect and the attitude of emotional. Also it will strengthen the negative effect of the attitude awareness.


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