  • 學位論文


Kazai no hito:A Study of cartoon’s effect on cartoon readers’attitude toward the juvenile criminal policy

指導教授 : 黃富源


有鑑於少年犯心智尚未成熟,缺乏明辨是非善惡之能力,為避免少年因觸法過早進入刑事司法系統,從中學習到更多犯罪行為與技巧,希冀藉由矯治教育來感化少年,以利少年順利復歸社會。漫畫向來被視為不利於孩子身心靈發展之讀物,更是難登大雅之堂的次文化,即便如此,漫畫卻從未在你我的生命歷程中缺席過;伴隨時代進步,漫畫文創水準提升,漫畫已不可同日而語。 漫畫《家栽之人》一書,將孩子隱喻成需要人細心照料,才得以生長茁壯的植物,透過花草植物的特性與知識,來傳達對少年事件的看法與態度。 透過與政策具有相同保護概念的漫畫,進一步瞭解現行教育為主的少年刑事政策是否符合民眾期待。 本研究分為兩階段,第一階段文獻分析,探究「刑罰理論」、「少年法相關概念」、「漫畫的發展與興起」以及從日本少年法的修正軌跡,以提供我國在少年刑事政策方面,究竟該朝向何種處置方式作為思考方向。第二階段則以訪談方式,瞭解社會大眾在閱讀完《家栽之人》之後,原有對於少年刑事政策的相關概念是否有所改變。 本研究發現: 一、一般民眾與政治菁英對少年刑事政策觀點不同。 二、《家栽之人》強化民眾原有之少年刑事政策概念。 三、漫畫具有教育功能。 本研究建議: 一、勿堅持保護就是免罰的迷思。 二、年齡不應是課責的王牌標準。 三、勿在愛與體罰的交叉路口迷失。 四、看見漫畫裡的專業精神。


Juvenile criminals are considered lacking in their ability to distinguish between right and wrong due to their immature developmental stage. It is possible for them to absorb more criminal acts and tricks by encountering the criminal justice system in their adolescent years. Hence, we hope to reform juvenile criminals through corrective education, assisting them to return to the society. Comic books have generally been regarded as being unfavorable to youth’s overall development; moreover, it’s been generally perceived as a subculture without formal status. Yet, comic books have never been absent in our lives. As we can see, over the past decades, comic books have changed significantly and evolved to higher quality which also reflects the progression of our era, showing a new aspect of cultural creativity. The comic book “Kazia no hito” is a metaphorical work, depicting children as plants that need tender care to grow up. It shares the point of view of juvenile delinquency through the metaphor of flowers and plants. In this research, we will discuss whether or not the current education has fulfilled general public’s expectation toward the juvenile criminal policy through the comic book with relevant concept. This research is divided into two parts: the first part is the literature analysis, discussing penalty theory, the related concept of the juvenile act, and the development and the rise of the comics. In addition, the experience of Japanese juvenile law amendment can hopefully provide us some new directions in regards to the juvenile criminal policy. The second part is to understand whether or not the general public has changed their attitude in regards to the juvenile criminal policy after reading “Kazia no hito” by interviews. The result of the study has found: 1.There are different positions towards the juvenile criminal policy between general public and political elites. 2.“Kazia no hito” has enhanced general public’s understanding of the juvenile criminal policy. 3.Comics have its educational function. The research has the following suggestion: 1.We should break the myth that protection is equivalent to punishment-free. 2.We should not take age as the golden standard for all accountability. 3.We should discern between love and physical punishment. 4.We should acknowledge the professionalism expressed in comics.


