  • 學位論文


Study on the Determinants of Energy Efficiency for Hotels in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張四立


在全球暖化日益加劇的今天,各國政府面對氣候變遷引起的能源問題,如:能源需求量的快速成長、能源蘊藏量耗竭以及能源安全等問題,均積極尋求解決之道,以維持經濟與環境兩者的平衡關係。依據國際能源總署2008年全球能源展望報告中,提升能源效率為對抗氣候變遷最佳策略,因此提升能源效率與節約能源,近年已成為國際趨勢。 近年台灣由於經濟結構由工業轉型為服務業之故,連帶影響服務業部門的能源消費。而服務業中的觀光產業,為台灣經濟結構轉型的重點發展產業,因此旅館業的能源耗用在最近幾年明顯的增加。本研究希望能進一步了解旅館業的能源耗用行為,根據過去所累計之能源查核資料,運用計量方法建立實證模型,探討影響旅館業能源耗用之主要因素,供政府節能政策擬定之參考 本研究應用 Panel Data 模型之計量方法,蒐集彙整6 年旅館業能源查核及營運資料,以台灣地區30 家國際觀光旅館為樣本,建立旅館業能源效率評估模型,分析旅館業能源耗用的行為模式,最後以固定效果模型作為樣本資料的估計方式。 本研究之實證結果如下:一、各年度單變數回歸分析結果顯示,無一強力解釋變數能說明用電量之變化,故影響旅館業用電量之因素複雜且多元,樓地板面積較其他變數之解釋能力相對為佳,所以在進行旅館間能源使用效率之比較時,以EUI-單位面積耗電量為指標,將可客觀比較旅館間之能源效率;二、Panel Data模型的實證結果中,住房率在兩模型中均為顯著,因此旅館營運狀態與能源效率間存在直接關係;三、電力價格及用電設備,均會影響旅館業的能源使用效率。


As the effect of global warming become more severe, government need to face bunch of energy-related issue, such as energy demand growing rapidly, energy reservation running low and energy security problem. According to the report of IEA, promoting energy efficiency is the best strategy to against climate change and it has become a common trend among those industrialized countries in recent years. As the result of economic structure change, energy consumptions of service sector are growing faster than other sectors. As part of service industries, tourism industry is not only the key but also the promising industry labeled by Taiwan Government for future development. So is the cause of energy consumptions of Hotels in Taiwan growing in a constant trend. Therefore, this study is conducted to explore the determinants of energy efficiency for Hotels in Taiwan, to find out what is the key factor of effecting hotels energy consumption by historic data. Panel data model is employed in this study and empirical data regarding 30 international tourism hotels during 2004 and 2009 are collected. The result suggests the fixed effect made the best analysis of all models. The empirical analysis results as follows: (1) In simple regression between electricity and other explanatory variables, no powerful explanatory variables is found to explain electricity use, but floor areas is the strongest among the others. (2) Empirical result of panel data model shows that occupancy is significantly positive in both models. It suggests that there are strong relations between hotels operation management and energy efficiency. (3)Same as in the result of two models, electricity price and electrical equipment are both significant. It means that energy price affects the user behavior and the technical efficiency equals to the energy efficiency.


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