  • 學位論文


The Development of a Location-based Instant Messaging Mechanism with providing information service

指導教授 : 方鄒昭聰


適地性服務(Location-based Service, LBS)主要透過行動網路與行動裝置,根據使用者所在位置給予相關資訊,即時訊息則為利用網路讓終端使用者可進行通訊的一種形式,本研究以台北市公車為研究標的,開發一個以適地性服務與即時訊息整合之雛型系統,結合市面上幾項雲端服務來達成即時提供公車資訊服務的目的。 本研究旨在開發一個商業雛型應用系統,研究中提出可符合預先設定之關鍵績效指標的系統架構與開發技術,而後採用情境模擬方式模擬實際使用狀況。此一雛型系統經過實機展示,證明其系統架構可供未來研究或開發適地性即時訊息整合機制系統之延伸。


Location-based Service provides information according to the user’s location through the mobile network and mobile devices. Instant messaging is a form of communication over the network, and end-user can communicate each other via instant messaging. In this Study, We seek to develop an appropriate location-based service integrated instant messaging prototype system for Taipei Bus. And combined with several cloud services to achieve the purpose of this bus information services. The purpose of this research is to develop a commercial prototype system. This study proposes system architecture and development technologies to meet the pre-set key performance indicators, and then simulate actual use by scenario simulations. This prototype system has been taken a demonstration, to prove its system architecture available for future research or development suitability for the extension of the system of instant messaging integration mechanism.


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