  • 學位論文

製造商品牌延伸至3C 通路品牌之知覺差異之研究

The perception differences study of extending to 3C brand from manufacture brand

指導教授 : 吳志明 林婷鈴


本研究主要探討消費者與廠商對品牌知覺與品牌延伸知覺的差異,結合 深度訪談,抽取廠商內部各階層成員,比較品牌形象認知的差異。以及將 抽取出之品牌聯想對門市人員與消費者做量化分析,藉此比較品牌知覺之 異同。 本研究對象以國內某知名家電大廠為例,個案廠商本身除了自有產品品 牌,以原本的品牌延伸至通路品牌,因此本研究不只探討本身商品的品牌 知覺差異,亦探討品牌延伸後之品牌與原品牌間的差異。 質性研究結果發現,在品牌延伸的品牌形象知覺差異部分,第一線人員 間因資歷的不同,而對通路品牌與原產品品牌有不同的品牌形象認知;在 商品品牌形象的部分,大致上組織內部的觀點維持一致,對於產品的核心 聯想皆相同,唯行銷部門人員在品牌形象的認知在創新方面不同,因為行 銷部門人員為品牌形象發想的先驅者。量化研究的結果顯示,在品牌延伸 的品牌形象知覺差異部分,門市人員認為通路品牌「多樣化」程度較高, 且對於通路品牌的態度較為正面,消費者整體而言對產品品牌的認同程度 較高,僅「創新」方面對通路品牌的認同程度較高;在商品品牌形象的部 分,消費者對於產品屬性相關的認同程度顯著較門市人員高,而門市人員 自覺「服務好」之認同程度較高,表示在此方面產生不一致性。


This study focused on consumers and manufacturers on brand perception and brand extension perceived differences, combined with depth interviews with selected members of various sectors within the company, to compare differences of brand awareness. And will extract the brand association of store personnel and consumers to do quantitative analysis, to compare the similarities and differences in brand perception. Sample from a well-known domestic appliances manufacturers, the case itself, in addition to its own brand manufacturers to access the original brand extension to the retail brand. Therefore, this study not only discusses of the differences in their perception of the brand of goods but also discusses the difference between the extension brand and the original brand. Qualitative research found out that, in the parts of brand image difference between extension brand perception, the first line personnel due to the differences of experience seniority, has a different brand awareness while the channel brand and original brand; part of the brand of goods. Generally, organization maintain a consistent internal point of view, the product core association are the same, only the marketing department staff thinks about the brand image of innovation in different, because the marketing departments for the brand image made like a pioneer. Quantitative research showed that the brand image perception of brand extension, store personnel fiqure the retail brand "diversity" has a higher degree and for a more positive brand attitude. For overall, consumer has higher recognition on product brand, but for retail brand only "innovation" get higher recognition than product brand. In the case of product brand image, consumer has higher recognition than store personnel of product related attribution, but store personnel has higher recognition than consumer of “good service”, so we find out there is an inconsistency situation in this case.


